\\Jenga// 💚

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"This takes finesse and focus, none of which you losers have" Johnny mutters, his eyes never leaving the slightly lopsided stack of wooden blocks. Standing tall on the small coffee table in the middle of 127's dorm's living room. Positioning himself in a questionable stance with his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, the 25-year-old certified crackhead gently starts pulling out a block wedged in between two other ones. Smack bang in the middle of the whole stack.

"Everything about this screams 'recipe for disaster'" Doyoung points out before stuffing a small handful of chips into his mouth. Crunching down and creating a waterfall of crumbs onto the cream coloured couch.

With the tower dangerously wobbling, (my one and only) Johnny grunts a little with frustration as he takes his sweet old time sliding, or not-so-gently shuffling the small block of wood out. As failure smacks him in the face, or more like the whole stack tumbling down and colliding with his god like facial features, Johnny falls backwards almost squashing poor Alex sitting cross-legged on the floor behind him, in the process.

Laughter erupts around the fairly spacious room at Johnny's failed attempt (one of about seven) at playing Jenga, a game he deemed 'easy as being everybody's oppa', to which the eldest shoved him from behind. It was a pleasant sight for the youngest two; Alex and Haechan who laughed like it was their last day on planet earth. "Get off of me you log" Alex whines, shoving his elder in the back of his knees and sending him sprawled out on the floor beside him.

"Haechanie can you grab that piece by your feet for me" Doyoung asks and the second youngest scoffs dramatically. "I was supervising, not participating" The eldest three, Taeil, Taeyong and Johnny turn their heads simultaneously and give him a look before he grabs the stray piece and handing it back to Doyoung who stuffs it carelessly inside its box.

I know it's short I'm sorry but it's okay right?
-Ruby xx

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