Escape Time: What do you think this is? The dark ages?

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"Chris... what just happened?" I asked.

"I created a time portal to change the timeline so we wouldn't have to be in this mess, but I guess I set it to the dark ages," Chris said.

"No kidding," I said back, " Let's just go back and then we can figure out what's going on."

" Just give me some time..." Chris said.

I interrupted, " Mmh... That's funny."

" ...With the time watch and we can get out," Chris finished.

I kept guard while he tried to fix the time watch. Then Chris asked,

" Do you think they have a microscopic quantum generator?"

"Chris... this is the dark ages remember? There wasn't much in this time besides diseases." I replied.

"Let's look through the market. They at least have something to fix it." Chris encouraged.

We walked past a wrinkled gypsy who gave us our fortune. A glass ball laid in front of her.

"I see a great disturbance in your future." she said.

"Can you tell us what that disturbance is?" I asked.

"It is something following you. It is something from your future," she replied.

"The government!" Chris pointed to the government agents, dressed in peasant clothing, pushed through people yelling " Stop them! They are traitors to the king!"

All the people in the market chased after Chris and I. An enormous burly lumberjack yelled, "For the king!" and tackled me. Chris tried to get the lumberjack off, but in doing so, the people captured him as well. Chris and I were taken to the king's palace. We told the king we never betrayed him, but he didn't believe us. He sent us to separate dungeons.

"Chris? Can you hear me?" I whispered.

"Yes," He replied, "I finally fixed the time watch."

"Can you create a portal out of here?" I asked

"We can't leave without fixing the timeline. Greenland wouldn't want me doing that." Chris muttered. 

"Wait...," I snapped," You are working with Greenland? Is that why they were going to Greenland? Who else knows about this?"

" Only the people who lead me to get the time watch," Chris responded.

" Who's that?" I demanded.

" Marc, Jake, etcetera" Chris blurted.

" Well... I going to need to have a talk with them," I said, my voice slowly getting quieter.

Then everything went dark.

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