The Trials

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The ground started shaking.

"What is that?" I asked.

The ground underneath us crumbled. We fell into a cavern that seemed to go forever. All was dark when we landed on some type of silt.

A man said something in Egyptian that sounded like 'halt'.

"Who are you?" Rory asked.

"I was the one who Set the Sphinx down here." He laughed.

Lights from around the cavern revealed the Sphinx and the man, holding an Egyptian scepter.

"Set... You are the god of evil." I figured out.

"Indeed my friend," Set said, " In order to get your Sphinx back, you first must figure out one of its riddles:

"It devours all things:

Birds, animals, trees, flowers, fruits;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays emperors, ruins Kingdom and

Beats high mountains down.

What is it?"

The Sphinx said.

"Uhh...Could you repeat that?" Cole said.

"It shall not repeat the riddle." Set said.

I pulled out my time watch, "Beats high mountains down... erosion. Erosion takes time. Slays emperors... They die of old age. And we have literally had this entire time about time watches...The answer is time!" I exclaimed.

"Congratulations Ryan, you have only completed the first task. Go through the sphinx for the next." Set said.

An opening appeared out of the sphinx. We walked through and Set followed. "Your next task... defeat Ra's greatest enemy.. Apophis," Set laughed, "The god of evil presents to you, Apophis, chaos and darkness!"

"How can we fight it? We have no weapons!" Rory yelled.

Set tossed his scepter at me, "Good luck!" he started laughing again.

"That guy is a madman," I muttered. Then it hit me, literally. A chunk of the ceiling hit me on my left arm.

"What do we do?" Chris panicked.

"Calm down Chris," Rory said.

"Guys. It is Apophis making you do this." Cole said.

"I am darkness, I am chaos! No one shall stop me!" Apophis lunged at CJ.

"Enough!" I clicked the button on my time watch.

Apophis sat there in the air in front of Cole.

"Thanks for the save," CJ said.

"Now let's figure this out," I replied, "Set gave me this for a reason."

"Does it have magical powers?" Chris asked.

"Not that I know," I pointed to the ceiling, "But I do know that darkness is defeated by light." I threw the scepter at the ceiling, which knocked down the majority of it.

Apophis disappeared and I started time again.

Set looked around, "How?... well played my friends."

"We aren't your friends," I said.

An opening appeared in the wall.

"One more time my friends!" Set exclaimed.

"We are not your friends!" We all yelled in unison.

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