The Cave of the Dragon

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Jake opened a time portal and inside of it seemed dark, empty. As if it was in a cave. I went inside of the portal first. I stared out into the distance and saw nothing but darkness. Then I realized I was looking at a wall for ten minutes. It was a narrow cave. So I tried to make as much room for everyone that was waiting for ten minutes.

"Come on man," Marc complained, "We had to hold off nurses that were wondering where you were."

"Wouldn't they just have looked into to the time portal?" I asked.

"No. Only users of the time watch can see the time portal," Jake answered.

We walked down the narrow cave to an opening. Waterfalls were everywhere. Sharp crystals poked out of the sides. The only thing you could hear was the water, birds, and some type of monkey.

"Where on Earth are we?" I asked.

"A place before Earth was fully formed. The time when dragons reigned." Chris said.

"A dragon?" I asked.

"That's the one we are going to see," Marc said.

"Oh Boy," I croaked, "This is going to be interesting."

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