The Gate and the Journey in Between

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We began to start our journey, but the entire cave started to shake.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know! This has never happened before!" Jake yelled over all the noise.

We tried to run away, but a circular stone blocked the entire path. All the noise suddenly stopped. A hole burned through the stone. Nobody was at the other side. We even called out and no one answered. We jumped into the hole and landed in a pool of water that wasn't there before the stone fell. We swam to the shore. Then we noticed it was a dead end.

"Don't worry. I know another way," Marc said.

We went back to the huge stone. It was blocked off as well. The entire pool started to glow. It swirled like a hurricane. We all grabbed onto a side of the pool. The pool raged harder. We lost our grip and got swept to the center.

Then we all passed out.

We woke up in a room that was basically empty besides a circular mirror.

"Is this some kind of circus attraction?" I asked.

" I don't think it is," Chris said.

The mirror started to glow. Fog shot out of the corners of the room. A dark hole with blue fire on the edges. Other mirrors appeared on the sides. The mirrors showed images of everything we have done. One showed me wandering the streets with everything frozen. Another showed me jousting in medieval times. Facing set and Apophis. Meeting Andrew and Logan with the Mongols. Then it showed what happened after I passed out when the Time Bomb exploded. This was new to me since I was unconscious. Tons of Time portals swarmed me and Chris. They all took me to a cave. There they set me on a stone bench. A shadow was behind me. The shape made out to be a dragon. It's arm extended and grabbed my wounded arm. Crystal shards from around the cave flew out and wrapped my arm. Then the mirror disappeared. My arm started to glow like the mirror.

"So, this is not a metal arm?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

An entrance began to appear. We heard the waterfalls and the monkeys again. We walked through to see a huge gate with two masked warriors guarding it.

"Hello? Who are you?" I questioned

One of the warriors took their mask off. The warrior looked like the nurse from the future.

"Adyson?" I asked.

"Yes," She replied, " And I never got to thank you for saving the time crisis with Set or whoever he was."

"So... Can we go through?" Chris asked.

"No. Not yet," Adyson said, " First you must defeat the legendary creature of Greek mythology. Head of an eagle. The body of a lion. The amazing Griffin. Be careful. It might get a little chilly.

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