Fake Jake

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Well... I had made the worst mistake of my life. Now I am about to joust a person from the government. Tents surrounded a path with a fence in the middle.

"Are you sure about this?" Chris asked.

"I have a plan. Right before we hit each other, you stop time then we defeat them from there." I responded.

"That seems somewhat reasonable," Jake replied.

"Jousters get ready!" The king yelled.

I put on my armor and got on my horse.

"Let us begin!" the king exclaimed.

I charged at the person. Everybody froze as expected, except my friends and I.

"What now?" Rory said.

"Make it look like a did a clean blow to his chest and make him fall off his horse," I suggested.

They did what I told them and resumed time.

"Ahh!!" The Jouster said.

"I am victorious!" I started, "These men shall be banished!"

"That is not right!" The Jouster said.

"How so?" the king asked.

"He didn't even touch me! These men are witches!" the Jouster replied.

"Burn them!" Some peasants suggested.   

A small older woman walked out of the peasants, "I have known these men for their whole lives! They have never committed themselves to sorcery."

The king responded, "Okay, Okay... Nobody gets punished. At least for today."

The older woman took us to her house.

"Who are you?" Cole asked.

"Don't you recognize me?" she asked. She clicked a button on her ear and turned into Jake.

"Aren't you supposed to be at mission command?" Rory asked.

"Uuuhh..." Jake said.

"That's not me guys," Jake said through the earpiece.

The fake Jake lunged at us. Chris grabbed his arms while I tied them together.

"Who are you really?" I growled.

Rory hit fake Jake's earpiece which revealed him to be a government agent.

"Fine. I'll tell you. I work with them." the agent said, "And hello Jake."

"How does he know I can hear him?" Jake asked.

"We have found your hideout weeks ago and known everything you are doing," the agent said.

"Well... I am evacuating mission command," Jake said, "I will tell you where the new one is at on a later date."

We took out our earpieces and grabbed the agent, "You're coming with us," Cole said.

"And Ryan," Jake said through the earpiece I still had on, "Go to Ancient Egypt. Somebody is messing with the timeline."

"Marc must be in trouble," I pointed out.

"Take Rory, Cole, and Chris with you as well," Jake started, "When you get there, there should be a supplies crate waiting for you."

"Let's get started," I concluded.

I told Rory, Cole, and Chris about Ancient Egypt. Then we went into the time portal.

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