My Best Friends are Timewatch Users

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Have you ever had this feeling when you wake up and you don't know where you are, and then you find out you were in bed the whole time? That did not happen to me at all. I ended up in this underground facility while being strapped down on something that looked like a hospital bed.

"Chris?" I yelled, " Did the government catch us?"

"Who do you work for?" a speaker bellowed.

Marc randomly whispered in my ear, "Let's get out of here."

Like any normal person, I would say hello to Marc, but I'm not a normal person. I tried to break free until Marc held onto me, " Shh... They can hear us."

He broke me free, "Follow me."

"Where are you going?" the speaker asked.

Marc jumped into a manhole.

I followed him, "So we are going underground in a secret facility?"

Marc replied, " Pretty much."

We made it to a tunnel, "Does the government know about this?" I questioned.

"Plumbers used it to find leaks during the dark ages. I bet the government wouldn't know about a plumber tunnel." Marc answered.

"We are still in the dark ages?" I asked.

" Yeah. Chris used his distress signal when you passed out. That's why I'm here, but that's also why you were here with the government," Marc added, " Did they ask you any questions?"

"Just who do you work for."

"Did you answer?" Marc asked.

"No," I answered, "Because I was still in shock about where I was."

We stopped at an intersection of the tunnel.

"Combo! Can you give a search on Ryan for us," Marc commanded.

CJ, I assumed he was the mechanic of the team, walked out of a tunnel, "Will do," He started scanning me.

"Who is not here?" I wondered.

" What about me, man?" somebody said.

" Who was that?" I asked.

Rory popped out of the tunnel, "Hey man."

"Sup," I replied.

CJ finished his scan, "The scan is complete. He's clean of anything to do with the government. No traces. No mics. Nothing.

" Time to show you the control room," Rory said.

We walked into the control room which had a computer and lots of monitors. Chris was whispering to someone in a swivel chair. Then the chair spun around.

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