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"Where is it?" I asked myself.

"I bet it's right under our noses," Chris said.

"That's it!" I exclaimed, "It's literally under our noses!"

We broke through the floor revealing a bomb that read

'This bomb doesn't affect those in real time. Could cause a change in time. Caution. May explode. Good luck getting it defused! It can't!' It had a clock that read 2 minutes remaining. I picked it up hoping it won't explode.

"What are you doing? You'll probably get us killed!" Chris screamed.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible," I demanded.

We started to run out of the room.


There was a guard at the gate who was frozen spilling his drink. We managed to get out of Edo Castle. We ran to a rice field next to the castle.


Our pants were drenched in the field water. I tripped on someone kneeling and working on the field.


"We're running out of time. Get away from here, you might not get hit by shrapnel then," I ordered Chris.

"I'm not going to just let you die!" Chris yelled.


I threw the bomb as far as I can. I noticed Chris was still behind me. I tackled him away from the explosion.


Chris didn't get hurt, but my left arm was busted pretty badly. My wrist felt broken. Scrapes and pains happened everywhere. Then it all went black... again.

The Time Watch Legends: The BeginingWhere stories live. Discover now