The Griffin

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A portal appears underneath us and we fell for a good 4-5 minutes, but it felt like hours. Those weren't the greatest hours I have had. We eventually face planted into a huge pile of snow. We sat there stuck for a while until we managed to break free.

"Man this is cold!" Chris teeth chattered, "I wish we had a fire."

When he said that I realized I can get fire. I reached out with my numb hands into my safe. It turned out the first thing I grabbed was a blow torch.

"Hey! This will do!" I said.

"How'd you get that?" Jake asked.

"Long story," I replied.

We gathered around the blowtorch to heat us up.

"That's better," Marc said, "Where are we?"

Jake replied, "My time watch says we are in Canada. The thing is we are in the coldest part of Canada."

"I think we are going to need more fire then," I said.

"I have an oil can," Chris said, "If we have some wood we can make torches."

"Well here's a forest," Jake said, "Let's get some."

We started to walk into the forest when we heard a screech. Chris and I grabbed weapons out of our safes. I grabbed an excalibur and a futuristic gauntlet with a screen on the side of it. I pressed a button that said 'energy shield'. Light bursted out of the gauntlet and took the form of a shield.

"I'll take it," I said.

Chris grabbed a fiery, futuristic battle axe and electric gloves. He accidentally twist the battle axe and it turned into a whip. He twisted the other way and it turned back into a battle axe.

"Sweet," Chris said.

Marc grabbed a flamethrower pistol out of his pocket.

"Why didn't you grab that out? We need a fire!?" Chris asked.

"I forgot I had it for a while," Marc answered

Jake pulled out a plasma rifle.

"Where'd you guys get these?" I asked.

"When you and Chris were meeting yourselves, we went to a gun store," Marc replied.

We continued walking through the forest until I somehow tripped over concrete steps.

"How is there concrete steps in a forest?" I asked.

"There could be a house nearby," Marc said, "I'll use my flamethrower pistol to melt the snow."

We followed the path and we found an abandoned house. It was a 2 story second empire style mansion.

"Well, I guess we can stay here for the night," I said.

We walked into the mansion. There was a giant foyer that had spiral stairs on each side. A living room was in front of us while on our left and right was a kitchen and a dining room.

"Do you think there is any food here?" Chris asked.

"Maybe, let's find out," I said.

We walked into the kitchen and there was a freezer that said food on the front of it. There was 10 pounds of a mythical creature of some sort.

"I wonder if the people who were living here were hunters," Jake said.

"Doesn't matter," I said, "It's food!"

We started to cook the creature, but the creature started to move. It freaked me out, so I whacked it with a pan. Afterwards we went to the dining room to eat. The wallpaper looked like it came out of the 70's, but it looked a little more dead. We ignored our food, that was screaming in terror, while we talked.

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