About the Author: Ryan M.

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If there is a real time dragon, well... now you know. You're welcome. I started this story as an essay for english (The Prologue to the Prologue). I thought I had more to say for this story, so I made the rest. This entire story took me about a year. I thought about the many different ways I could have wrote. I believed the way you just read (hopefully you read the story before you read this) was the best one. If there was a time watch that could stop time except the ones who use the time watch would not work at all. You would hit the button and everything, including you, would be frozen forever. That wouldn't be as good of a story. 

Most of the characters were based off my friends (They all gave me permission to use them as characters). This has been a long journey making this book.I used lots of ideas from movies, books, even how authors themselves make their books. I also liked how C.S. Lewis with the Chronicles of Narnia brought two worlds together. And a special thanks to Adyson, for being the best and funniest editor and fan ever. Even helping along the way.

I never thought it was going to get this far, but now I have created an entirely new world. I hope it never stops growing.

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