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Ashanta Jetsly

"you said while you were out to me that you were talking to the moon goddess tell me what happened"

Playing with Jaxon's red hair I think back to what happened "At first all I could see was white, then a woman with white hair and bright neon green eyes with a golden dress that reached her knees appeared out of the white back ground, she told me that not everyone is good and that the ones who are bad try to be good but it doesn't work out so they turn into there true self.

My grandmother, moms real mom is the cause of Vlad becoming bad, rouges killed her and ever since then the vampire and werewolf kingdoms haven't been United. Dad was there, but it was too late, they had already ripped into her and ate her insides after decapitating her.

When Vlad found out his first born was mated with one of what he called them, mutts, he disowned her and said that he refused to even look at a werewolf lover and he no longer treated her like his daughter, the feelings weren't mutual. He treated her a way a father should never have it was nothing sexual but it was abuse, mom left and came to dad since then they never left each others sides. That was a hundred years ago"

Looking up after hearing a sniffle I saw mom leaning against the wall with pain in her eyes, grabbing her hand dad looks at me "go on" Jaxon shifts on my lap as I take his glasses off and set them on the side table "she showed me my past and when I saw it I remembered....it all clicked back into place, I remember seeing my first mate dying, he was Kaden's best friend" looking up for promotion Kaden nodded already knowing what I was about to say "when Kaden was 22 and I was 25 we met Zayn. Zayn was a vampire, we met at Kaden's favorite place, the Skate Park, that's when I found my first mate . When Vlad found out about Zayn, he tortured him then killed him and sent his body to our hide out only us three knew about it but apparently not. Every since then Kaden has barely spoken to anyone but me" they finally understood why Kaden barely talks to anyone *hows everyone*...(Kataleya)*it hurts to remember*...(Amora)*i despise Vlad, we need to kill him*...(Arora and Jenna)*we're good*...(me)*Blaze?* I could here her hissing sadly while weeping (Blaze)*im fine but we have to make sure that we are the ones to end him*...*we will*

Dad stepped up "I've contacted the Angel kingdom and you five" he points to me, Kaden, Blake, Malaya and a sleeping Jaxon "will go stay at the Angel kingdom without any complaints and there you three will be trained as warriors and the Two kids self defense, there " he looks straight at me "is where the five elders will teach you how to use each and every supernatural you have you all leave" he checked his watch, 7:43pm, "in 13 hours, they will send down a car that will lead you to a cave and in that cave is a portal for you all to transport to the heavens where a woman with the name of Sophie Halòs will be waiting for your arrival and from then on you are in the Angel royal guard system and I want no complaints and Malaya and Jaxon will be with the werewolf and Vampire Elder" the vampire elder is the oldest Vampire on the earth he is 1982 years old and he hates Vlad, he says he's to old to fight so he's hoping someone would kill Vlad and his oldest Josh will take the Throne. Knowing not to say anything I bow my head down along with the other three, the nurse comes in "alright hun you have to stay the night and it's also the end of visiting hours" after dad clarified that Jaxon and Kaden is staying with me the nurse brought in a lot for Kaden as the rest left kissing our three heads as they left "be careful baby girl I love you " dad whispers as he leaves, waiting until he leaves I scream

:i love you two daddy:

Through the mind-link earning a very girly scream from him, laughing I see Jaxon is trying to hide is own giggles while Kaden is red in the face and on the ground clutching his side

:did-did the big bad Alpha king just scream like Malaya?:

:Ashanta Speara Jetsly!!! That was not funny and I'm not the one that screamed:

:oh yeah then who was it:

:u-umm this-- man that moved--no a woman giving birth:

:you suck at lying:

He growled through the link
:shush and go to bed kid:

Smiling I answered :love you two:

Jaxon poked my cheek "I can't sleep" frowning I suggest I sing to which he nods with Kaden agreeing

Stay by Rihanna
All along it was a fever

A cold sweat hot headed believer

I throw my hands in the air said show me something

He said if you dare come a little closer

Round and around and around and around we go

Ooh now tell me now tell me now you know

Not really sure how to feel about it

Something in the way you move

Makes me feel like I can't live without you

And it takes me all the way

I want you to staaaay,

It not much of a life your living

It's not what you take its given-

Pausing I see Jaxon asleep with a smile on his face while Kaden is nocked out.

When sleep consumed me I am pulled back out when Kaden jumps out of his sleep with sweat trailing down his face, he had another nightmare. "come sleep with us" patting my bed I scoot over and placed Jaxon on my lap so Kaden could scoot in, as soon as Kaden laid down Jaxon curled in between the both of us "was it the same one?" he nods, Zayn. "would you like me two hum you to sleep" he nods, any time he had these nightmares I always hum him to sleep cause he finds it more soothing than singing. Humming softly we both fall asleep thinking about our long lost friend, Zayn. We love and miss you, you'll always be in our hearts.

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