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Flash back
The castles alarms blared as the red sirens flashed brightly making each of us besides the angels cringe and cover our ears. Sophie comes running out the kitchen with shaky hands "ALRIGHT CALM DOWN AND RELAX EVERYONE THIS IS NOT A DRILL WE HAVE ALL REHEARSED THIS PLENTY OF TIMES NOW EVERYBODY GET TO SAFETY QUICKLY and BE SAFE" grates come down over the windows and it slowly comes down over the door.  Frantically searching for everyone I find Blake and Sherry running in the kitchen where a trap door is with others following like Kaden, Enchantra,Jade  and Sophie who looks hesitant to leave.  Where is Jaxon, Malaya and jaydon? 

"Jaxon??!! Malaya!?!?!? Where are you!?!?! I hear screams coming from the front yard and as the gate nears the floor I run and slide under it in the splits position "No!!! Shanta!! I can't loose you too!!! Come back!!" I watch sadly as Kaden gets pulled back by the dude who announced the attack and and big bulky dude with a man bun "I promise I'll be safe and I'll return to you" trailing behind where Jaxon's scent leads me I see a foyer with blood here and there with body's with discombobulated bodies,  gross.

In the middle of the foyer Jaxon is hugging Malaya to his chest while Jaydon is sitting in the grass shaking as these ugly looking creatures pop out of the clouds like wild flowers. They screech and stalk towards the kids like prey.

Oh hell no!!! Not with my babies!!!

My wings sprout from my back and they lift me off the ground as I Visibly start to shake.  Landing in the circle they formed I knock them down like flies, mind you I'm still in wedges.

One, my claws draw out and I sprint at it and slam my shoulder into his neck while digging my claws into his neck and pulled making his whole jugular rip out, killing him instantly.

Two, I kick it in the Face with the stud part of my shoe making it stab it in the eye and punched their neck where their windpipe is making it choke then I climb up it and wrap my legs around it's neck while it violently claws at me but the adrenaline is still there so I don't feel it and pull it's head off it's shoulders.

Three,  slit it's throut

Four,  slice it's stomach deeply so it's guts spill out

Five,  my hands heat up as it clawed my shoulder and it screeched painfully as its skin or scales touched me and it's nails fall off then his scales, skin then what's left is nothing but meat and bones.

Six,  I throw a fireball at it making it into ashes instantly

Seven, kick to the ribs then knee to the face and I guess its a boy so I drop kick its balls and it's dropped to the ground in a lump.

I killed seven of those buggers for my babies even though I don't know Jayden all that well but he's just a kid who doesn't need a sucky life experience. Past the blood and mangled bodies I couldn't find the kids

:help us please big bear!!!:

:im coming little bear where are you:

:out front hurry:

Pushing of my feet I constantly flap my wings so I could get to the kids faster, below me the kids are huddled together while three ugly snake like things around them

:Estoy aquí laya Estoy aquí:
(I'm here laya I'm here)

Tucking my wings in I dive down in the middle of yet another circle and land with a boom, these shoes are good for fighting I should make the studs Sharper and longer though. Jaxon noticible shrank back as the creature hissed at him making my growl and heat spread from my toes to my head then flowing down to my hair where I feel heat ,but it's not burning me its comforting like apple cider in the winter after building a snow man; the heat then travels to my palms and fire swallows my hands.

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