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Our eyes never wavered, I couldn't take it. I gently pulled his face down on mine;our lips met in a gentle kiss. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and he followed me, my tongue creeps in his mouth and I moan as he sucks on it. All of a sudden I burst out laughing as his hands, that I didn't know moved to my side, started to tickle me.

I wiggled in his grasp trying to get away from his torture "your ticklish!!" thinking up something funny I imagined my dad behind him with his arms crossed and his glare set tightly. All of a sudden a familiar voice rang through the floor "what do you think you are doing?!!" Kayto darts off me and landed in a heap on the floor. This is not actually dad it's just a decoy of him "who are you sir?" judging by the look on Kayto's face he had a hunch.

Fake dad bared his teeth at Kayto "what were you doing to my princess? You have no ties to her so don't touch her!!" Kayto stood up and approached the hologram "hello sir, I'm Kayto Halòs. The king of the Angels and I'd like to introduce myself as Ashanta's mate" Kayto offered his hand, fake dad held out his hand and when they went to shake hands Kayto went right through him and landed on the floor.

Laughing tears came down my face as I watched Kayto's shocked face as he stared confused at the still hologram. Standing up I walked over to the hologram and waved it away then watched it disappear like smoke "have fun kissing the floor?" I peeked down at him and watched as he got up and frowned "was that your dad?" sending him a cheeky smile I walked to the elevator "nope. His hologram made by yours truly"

He glared at me then sprinted towards me but was to late as I hopped in the elevator and pressed the ground floor laughing my head off. My phone buzzed on my back pocket so I pulled it out and Rains name popped up,  I haven't talked to anyone at home in two weeks

(Me) hello?
(Rain) hello?! That's all you say?!! We haven't talked in two weeks Shanta and that's all you say?!?
(me) sorry I've been through some.....things
(Rain) we are not done talking about this!! You had me worried! I had to find out how you were through the gift I gave you!!
(Me) I am not surprised anyway what's up
(Rain) you are up since your in heaven..... Anyway I need you to come see me this Wednesday
(me) And why's that?
(Rain) don't ask questions just bring the others
(Me) fine you bully
(Rain) now onto interesting matters. Have you seen anyone worth seeing
(Me) it's........ Complicated
(Rain) why's that? Who is it? How old is he? Is it a he? I always knew you were gay
(Me) Rain!! Just shush and I'll tell you in person on Wednesday
(Rain) you no fun Shanta. I'm your big sister your supposed to share this with me

Even over the phone I could tell she was pouting but then all of a sudden I heard her start...... Crying?

(Me) rain? Are you okay?
(Rain) n-no
(me) what's wrong?
(rain) y-you won't tell me!!

What's going on with her?

(Me) I told you wait until Wednesday
(Rain) I'll try I love you
(Me) yes I love you two

She squealed and cheered

(Rain) you said you love me
(Me) Rain are you on your period?
(Rain ) no silly, actually I haven't been for........a month now
(me) what!
(Rain) oh I got to go bye

I stared dumb founded at the phone and shook my head stepping out of the elevator where I'm met with a smirking Kayto who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Huffing I throw my hands up "how in the heck did you beat me?!?" his smirk widens "well you see my pet I know my castle frim top to bottom including the speed of the elevator meaning I took my own private elevator to beat you" he laughed darkly at my face making me shove him and walk to the kitchen.

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