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Something tickled my nose making me scrunch it up and swat the thing away. It paused but came right back and tickled my nose again,  inhaling the scent I noticed there were two scents in here.

Kayto and Blake,  great.

Keeping my heart rate the same I heard Blake swear "she sleeps like the dead man" Kayto snickers and then shuffles were heard until the tickling came back. I remained still "you were right. How can something someone so beautiful sleep so heavy?" I heard Blake gag "that's my sister and she's not beautiful" Kayto growled "yes she is"

I imagined ice cold water in a gallon jug fall on both of the boys,  next thing I know I heard loud splash then Alot of swearing "where in the hell did that come from?!!!!?" opening my eyes I found both of them soaked and shivering. I burst out laughing and my brother starts swearing even more "you did this!! You were awake this hole time!! I should have known, your unprankable!!" confused I look down at my hand to see shaving cream in the center of it,  the oldest prank in the book.

Standing up I walked to the bathroom to wash off the shaving cream "did she look different to you?" I heard Blake ask. Looking up I noticed my hair was now a white instead of the blue I loved with the white tips now a crystalish silver and my eyes a beautiful violet with colored outer rings. Backing up I noticed my sports bra felt unbelievably tight while my joggers felt tight around my hips and butt area. I stood next to the door and noticed that I am now about two inches taller than I originally was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed more ink had appeared right under my boob's  'le déesse costume' what the heck is that? *it means the goddess suit, we made the phase last night*(Jenna, phoenix demond ) what does that mean? *it means we better start training because the power we just emitted must have surged through the whole supernatural world and things are gonna come for us*(Arora the Angel)

Great more attention! Walking out the bathroom I spotted Blake sprawled out on the bed still soaking wet while Kayto is in the same position on the floor "your a king your supposed to be on the bed not my idiot of a brother" they looked up at me and stared. Blake had wide eyed with shock as he stared at my face but mostly my eyes and hair while Kayto is staring at me with his mouth hung open. Shrugging I walked to the closet and pulled out a tube top army shirt with dark Blue Jeans along with red converse and leather jacket to match. I plucked up a grey matching boy short set then walked in the bathroom.

After getting showered then dressed I walked out into the room to grab my speaker then back in the bathroom not paying attention to my surroundings. Plugging my phone to my speaker I set it down on the counter and pulled out two bows and my makeup bag. Combing my white hair I put them in two braids then tied the boss to the ends, unzipping the bag I grabbed my mascara then applied it followed by my eyeliner. Picking up my concealer it's snatched out of my hand along with the bag off the counter.

Swiveling around with a frown on my face I noticed Kayto with my products in his hands "give those back" he shook his head then put the concealer in the bag and zipped it up "no your beautiful enough your lucky I let you put that bat shit on your eyes" huffing I crossed my arms and snatched the bag from his hand since I'm taller now and stood to the nape of his neck instead of his shoulders. He tried to take it away but I was faster and moved back with my Vamp speed "no fair. You can't use your Vampire against me I'm only werewolf and Angel" turning back to the mirror I grabbed my dark red lipstick and applied it then zipped the bag up "satisfied?" he nodded then grabbed my bag again and walked out of the bathroom.

I followed helplessly behind him as he walked
to the elevator and I stepped in behind him "what are you doing with my bag!?!" he didn't answer just shrugged with a smirk on his face. The elevator dings and I gasped as I noticed the hole floor is one huge room {I didn't feel like describing it} He walked to a picture of a swan and pushed it sideways to reveal a safe. I shook my head knowing what he was about to do "you better not" he didn't respond just placed his hand over the scanner and it popped open. He shuffled through some stuff and pulled out another bag but stuffed mine in the safe and slammed it shut "take that out right now" he shook his head and handed me the bag.

I followed him across the hall to his bed and sat beside him to open the black bag,  inside laid a large makeup palette, different colors of lipstick and glosses, different colored mascara and eyeliners but what mostly caught my eye was the rectangular box at the bottom of the bag. Taking out the box I placed it on my lap and put the bag on the bed "Kayto...... What is this?" I kept my eyes on the navy blue box as I wait for his answer "I saw you were running low and it was kinda cheap so I asked one of my maids to get the make up for you" I waited for him to comment on the box but he didn't "and this?" he got off the bed and knelt in front of me. He gently picked up the box and opened it revealing a gorgeous silver half moon necklace with blue emeralds outlining it.

I gasped at it's beauty as I became mesmerized by it, he gently skimmed over it with his thumb preciously "This belonged to my great grandma Maralona Nealana Swantos, she came from Italy being she was from my mother's side. She died when I was 23 in my immortality, another story for another time but she told me to give this to my mate, the one who completed me, the one who will hold me through my worst times and my good times so I'm giving this to you" My fingers gently picked it up and my breath hitches at its beauty, I shook my head and placed it back down "no, I can't it's too much, I mean it's so beautiful I am not worth it"

He glared at me and gripped my shoulders "you are worth the whole Immortal world and more. I am giving this to you and you'll accept it without complaining. Got it?" sighing I nodded and put the top on the box. He looked confused "I'm keeping it don't worry but it's only for special occasions" he nods with a warm smile. He stared at my face then all of a sudden he placed the box back in the bag and placed it on the floor only to push me back on the bed and crawl over me.

He gazed into my eyes and leaned down, his hands roaming my body. His hands grip my hips and his breath fans over my face "your so beautiful" a smile spread over my face along with a  blush. He laughed "and adorably cute" I shook my head and entwined my fingers through his hair and he leaned into them with a sigh "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you" his voice was soft as he gazed into my eyes "was it worth the wait?" his eyes stared intensely in mine

  "more than you know"

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