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As my car appears infront of Annie's amor I could hear the light sound of crunching rocks underneath my tires,  parking I grab my keys out the ignition as Annie excitedly skips out the shop.  Meet Annie one of my best friends with shoulder length straight blonde hair, heart shaped face, button nose and blue eyes with unique green swirls.

Yanking my door open she pulls me out and tackled me in a hug, with her arms wrapped around my waist since she's shorter than me "Oooh I missed you so so so much Shanty. Guess what we have new aprons, they're so cute. This one dude his morning complemented me about it but then he slapped my rump while biting lip and that oaf had the nerve to say 'when your done with your shift let's go in the bathroom for a quicky' that dumb kid he didn't read my name tag it clearly says Annie, the owner  in bold letters but then I slapped him and told him to get out. I'm hungry. We should have a girls night sometime. It's not busy there's only Laura with her daily coffee and Cressant but other than that none what so ever." slapping my hand over her mouth I exhale, she must have had sugar this morning cause she's usually calm"breathe when you talk and let's go I'm also hungry" turning her around I drag her back into the shop and push the door open with one hand while the other remains on her shoulder.

Rounding the counter I grab the library sign in book and head to my section, I own the library part and Ann owns the restaurant so basically we're Co-owners. Grabbing the apron I tie it around my waist and examine it, it's aqua blue with silver hearts to match the interior of the store and it has my name in cursive white lettering with silver outlining "it's beautiful Ann"she nods with a mouth full of food she made while I was looking at the apron,   shrugging I pick the book back up and walk in the middle of the booths that rest against the walls of each side of the restaurant that leads to the library.

Anyone could find it if you follow the silver lining on the walls that says library in cursive. Gently placing the book on my desk I flip it to the next available page and take of my heeled boots and replaced them with my adidas slides while flipping to the marked page in my most recent book I found on one of my romance/fiction shelf. On the 12 chapter I smell blueberry with a hint of salt, why? Someone placed a world Atlas on my desk,  following the small arms up that has bruises everywhere I spot a little boy with red hair, green glasses with blue braces and beautiful golden brown eyes, about 6years old and has a oval shaped face like me"h-hi mi-miss c-can I-i get th-this b-ook pl-please" smiling I examined his face but frown noticing that his whole left side of his face is a different color then the right it's like someone put something on it to cover up something on his face.

I get up and grab the Atlas "sure is it to go or your reading it here" his eyes fill with tears at the mention of leaving and that's when I noticed his neck is the same color as the left side of his face "I-is i-it ok-okay i-if i-i read i-it he-here?" smiling I grab his hand softly and guide him to the sitting area and set him down on the recliner that has a desk beside it so I place the Atlas on it. Crouching down I take notice that he flinched slightly when I grabbed his hand earlier "My names Ashanta Jetsly and I mean no harm" smiling softly at him he returned it "my name's Jaxon Cole" once again my eyes latch on to the bruises on his arms "Jaxon what happened to your arms" he flinched at the question and pit his head down "I didn't mean two I just miss my daddy he said he was gonna come back for me... My mommy's so mean I thought she loved me" tears flow down his freckled cheeks, he looks like he's broken and any child at his age shouldn't be like this so I did the only thing my mother would have done.

I hugged him.

Picking him up I sat in his chair and placed him in my lap,  he curled up in a ball and placed his head on my chest "Jaxon sweaty what did your mom do to you?" he holds me tighter "she hits me"

Before I could ask any question he gets out my lap and stands infront of me and pulled his shirt up to reveal bruises that looked old and new covering his whole belly.

Gasping my eyes fill with water but not only am I petrified I'm angry as hell that a mother would do this to their child, so I pull my phone out my pocket and take a picture of his stomach and arms.  He turns around and lifts the shirt so I could see his back that's covered in scars going down in jagged lines, that fucker tortured him, now I'm curious about his neck and face "look at me Jaxon" he slowly turns to me with tears still silently falling down his face, I take a tissue out the box beside me and lightly pat his left cheek careful not to hurt him and there is a cut from the bottom of his eyebrow to the top of his lip and a hand print that turned purple.  I take a picture of that and took him to the bathroom and placed him on the sink "lift your head up" his eyes stare at the ceiling as I wet a paper towel and gently wiped away the makeup on his neck to reveal hand prints with half moons at the ends of each, she had long ass nails on. 

Tears flow down my face and I bring him in for a hug "your okay,  your not going to see her anymore I promise" I nods in my neck and wrapped his legs around my waist, patting his back I cut the lights of in the bathroom "you can have the Atlas I have four more here and I could always order more" he mumbled a soft thank you on my neck as I cut the lights of in the library, I'm reporting this. 

Walking to Ann whose behind the counter and watching Amy flirt with women and men, Amy is a hoe, she smokes pot, she drinks her weight and she wears slutty clothes "I'm leaving for a little can you tell anyone who wants to get any books to come back tomorrow" she nods worriedly and doesn't ask any questions about the now sleeping child in my arms "alright darling be careful I'll watch Amy but Daniel and Danniel are coming in a little bit" those are the twins that help us both so I guess they'll both be here.

  Waving at her I head to my car and gently placed Jaxon on the seat and buckle him up, pulling up to the sheriff's office I pick Jaxon up from the back seat and head in. 

The ding from the door draws the woman with brown hair and brown eyes attention to us,  she frowned but asked nicely "hello im Andrea how may I help you" shifting Jaxon in my arms I stare at her seriously realising she also smells like the woods"I'm Ashanta Jetsly and I'd like to report domestic violence" her eyes widen and she shakily called a guy named Max out "they would like to report domestic violence" Max stares at me with his Grey eyes "follow me" I walk past him but still could feel his hot stare on my back making me shift uncomfortably "the door to your right" why does everyone smell like the woods here, opening the right door I spot a table with a chair on each side but a futon behind the one on the opposite side of the room,  placing Jaxon on the futon I place my phone on the table and sit down and Max follow me. "what's your name,number,address,his name and relationship with the boy" biting my lip I answer "Ashanta Jetsly, 540-546-9876(made up), 654futonion drive, Jaxon Cole and I'm a close friend with him" I couldn't tell him I just met Jaxon, he nods and writes it down on the yellow paper in front of him.

He asked me more questions like how old am I,  what's my relationship status, do I have any siblings and more personal questions. Who does he think he is I'm freaking here for Jaxon and he's asking about me,  he tapped his pen on the notepad "alright so you could either keep the child until court date or place him in a temporary home" jumping to the question I quickly answer "I'm keeping him" he nods and writes that down, why? Getting up he pats his shirt and placed the pen in his shirt pocket while opening the door "I'll call you and tell you more information about this case have a nice day" picking Jaxon back up he cuddles into my neck, walking past Max I nod as an okay and walk back to my car. 

Opening the shop door with one hand I call for Ann, it's about 5:35 and I have to get to school. Ann comes out the back and hands a man a bag with the shops name on it and walked to us "what's wrong" shaking me head I gesture to both Jaxon and the clock "oh come on let's place him in the lounge room and talk" following her to the lounge room I place Jaxon on a long white couch and grab a gold and white blanket for him and place it over him, the lounge room theme is white and gold its really pretty "thank you Ann I have to get to school I love this kid even though I just met him, he means the world to me" patting my hand she hands me the remote to the TV and head back to the front after saying "I know hun I know" turning the TV on Disney channel Bunked popped up so I leave it on and kiss Jaxon's forehead then leave after thanking Annie again, next up is school and for some reason I don't have a very good feeling about it.

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