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Ashanta Jetsly
He looks at me brokenly and tried to snatch his hand away but I held on "listen to me,  please" more and more tears flowed out of my eyes as he stands up and shook his head then started pacing back and forth "please. Please. Would you listen to me for once. No interruptions from anything please" I hated begging but it's my mate and I have to do all I can to keep him.

Closing my eyes I smile slightly when reminiscing to when I met Zayn "when I met Zayn I was 25 and Kaden was 22, we met at the skate park. That day it was scorching hot and the skate park was across from the lake so I went to swim and Kaden went for his friends to skate." this is kinda hard to remember but if it means keeping my mate then I have to suck it up.

My hand grabs his to stop his continuous pacing "he was there. He was jogging with his pit bull, Gato, (cat) his blond hair swishing in the wind, sweat dripping on his grey sweat pants turning it dark grey.  He had the most greenest eyes I had ever seen, so beautiful, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ran into him. We fell. That's when I felt them, the sparks, the fireworks. They felt like heaven on earth to me and it was addicting. When I nocked into him I saw inside his mouth when he yelled out in shock, he had fangs. My first mate was a vampire, he was 27." tears flew down my face into my lap where my red jogging pants are damp in places from my tears.

My eyes vast downwards "I miss him,  I'll admit but my parents always say things happen for a reason." no longer wanting to stay seated I let go of his hand and head to the window and watch the birds fly out of the trees and into the sky in a V shape "The king of vampires, Vlad Hughs, my grandfather, some how found out that my mate had been one of him.... We thought we were safe... We thought he wouldn't know, but he did" my body shook as the memories came flying back.

One by one.

My legs gave out and I fell to the ground on my knees with a thud and started rocking myself back and forth. From the corner of my eye I see Kayto sitting on the bed with his head in his hands "he went to see his mom for a few days and come back but he didn't.  Weeks went by and on the third week me and Kaden went to the hideout where only the three of us knew of. There was a knock on the door and we thought it was him cause we could smell his scent but when I opened the door there was a box and a bag both with his scent"

My insides chilled and my tears stopped. I could see the ice prickling around my fist and it stayed to travel up my arms but I didn't stop it,  no, I welcomed it. It runs down my my legs "I took the box while he took the bag, on the count of three we opened them. I wished I hadn't. In the box was a note, he said I thought he wouldn't find out but he did since he's his king" it travels up my neck and starts gently traveling up my jaw "in the box was his head, the same eyes that was once full of life and love was cold,  dead. I was sobbing and Kaden was in shock"

I stopped talking and just stared out the window blankly as the ice reached my nose and traveled up,  my skin was now a bluish color but I couldn't feel it cause it's natural. Minutes flew by in silence that was louder than any party I have ever been to and finally he speaks

"what was in the bag?"  the ice moves to my insides and it chills my bones over again and slyly creeps to my heart. "him. In pieces. In the outfit I saw him last in. " I don't bother looking at him cause I'm to busy thinking about the conversation I had with Zayn in my Dream

Let me go

Give him a chance, cherish my memory but don't sulk and worry about me I'm fine, I'm happy

Please for me

I love you so much


Be happy

These are the words that he spoke to me. He made me feel alive. Happy. He was my world. My everything.

Let me go love, I'll always be with you please be happy with your mate

We will always be together, its our connection

I'll try to be happy. For you and for our girls *thank you sweetie we love you*  I love you guys two.  I

I hear a gasp to bring me out of my feelings "are you OK!!! Your so... So... Blue!!" his body heat comes hotter each moment meaning he's coming closer.  He touched my shoulder for a quick moment and I could feel that in that small place it heated and I'm pretty sure if he kept his hand there my body would have defrosted. "why are you so cold? Oh god your freezing!!" he throws everything on top of me to get me warm but it doesn't work, the touch of the mate will though well more like the hold of one.

"stop faking it. You don't care, he died, i thought you would understand what i'm going through and would be there for me but i guess I was wrong" throwing the blankets off of me I turn my body towards the window so I won't see him, he placed his hand on my shoulder and I could feel the eat transferring from him to myself and I'm guessing so could he because the next thing I knew he was behind me with his arms wrapped around my arms to keep me from moving, smart ass.

My body heats up on the outside the travels inside my body all the way up to my heart making my body go back to its normal temperature

"you weren't wrong Ashanta it was just scary thinking that my soul mate was with another,  touching, talking, kissing, even arguing about stupid crap it just feels wrong you know? Earlier today you risked your life for my kingdom and my dear brother and even for me even though you didn't know but you did that…that is what a true leader is……that is what a true queen will do and that's what you did I'm so proud of you sweetheart. I'll always cherish you for my love and in honor of your past mate,  I don't care what you have been through or what you did all I care about is if you're okay, we will make it through this,  we always will my love and I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise but you are great so please never and I mean never go cold on me like that again please let me in" well that was a long speech, I know I'm horrible.

He cupped my face in one palm but used the other hand to flick away the now diamond shine sweat hair away "I don't think I could make it through if you go cold again" his eyes soften as he gazed in my eyes with nothing but plea in his voice. I just shrugged with a still face "I can't help it. Deal with what's not your fault even though its my problems and not yours. If you can not go by my words, you know where the door is" was that harsh? I had to tell him that I want him to go by my word and not doubt me, but I will admit that the speech he just gave was really sweet. He narrowed his eyes at me "stop being stubborn and be serious. Don't do this to me again" sighing I rolled my eyes and mumbled "I'll try" he grabbed my shoulders with both hands to turn me to him "no you won't try you do. So you are not going to turn cold on me ever. " I just rolled my eyes "fine anything else you want your highness?" I playfully lift an eyebrow and crossed my arms, he smirked and snaked his arms around my waist to pull me closer. With our chest touching he placed his forehead on mine "hmm are you offering" biting his lip I released it "Me podría ser" (I might be) he scrunched his face up "Huh?" I tsked (the sound caused by the tounge)and shook my head "you gonna have to find out what it means all by yourself" he pouted but his face got serious.

Lord help me.

"I don't care that you have a previous mate, I don't, I owe him Alot so I wanna thank you for being here for me" I shook my head and cupped his neck with both hands "no need to thank me" standing on my tippy toes I pecked his lips then pulled away

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