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Kayto Halòs
"-alright men since we've discussed the rouge problem we can all return to our families" Michael the head council closed us out with a simple 'be safe men and rule your kingdoms right' standing up I button the last two buttons on my black Armani suit and grab my brief case. I was here for three days and I absolutely hate being away from my mother and siblings, ever since dad died I took up the responsibility of being the male in the house and I don't have a problem with it because I love them and id rather die before any of them gets harmed.

Speaking of mom she called this morning to remind me to be back before dinner to meet the new arrivals and from what I remember it was a little girl, twin boys around 17, a little boy with his mother who from what I understand is 19 *i have mixed feelings right now Kayto I'm  happy about going back home but I feel something might happen*(Mikey, the wolf)... *to be honest me two Mikey my stomach is a little twisted, what do you think Angelo*...*i share the same feelings with the other I feel something is happening back home and we must hurry but not only will the mystery be there, there will be a surprise* (Angelo, the Angel) bad back home? Hurry? Surprise? What?

Sprinting to the waiting car I tell the driver to book it straight to the airport where my private jet is waiting for me to board so they can take off.

As soon as the driver pulls up where my jet is waiting my door slams open and I hop out but as soon as my feet hit the concrete I start running up the stairs to the plane while yelling "thank you" to the driver.

Sitting on the white leather couch my leg bounced up and down as I think about the possible reasons to why I have a bad feeling in the deepest pit in my stomach. Did someone die? Is there an attack? Did Enchantra find her mate with one of the new comers? Oh my god did the Vampire king try to attack us to get to the new comers?

Times like this, when I worry I want somebody to hold to tell me everything is OK, I want to hold them as close as possible so they'll never leave me, I want somebody to love and only one person could even offer me an amazing future.

My mate

For five years I have been looking for her I'm starting to loose hope, no one would want a werewolf angel hybrid and not only that but the King of Angel's. Leaning forward I placed my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, I'm gonna be honest here and say that I'm very insecure about myself. Who would want an Angel/ werewolf king Virgin?? *mate would* *thanks Mikey bit when will I find her?* Angelo decides to speak up *you might find her sooner than you think do not loose hope on us she will be strong like us no I lied she'll be the strongest being on earth* before either me or Mikey could respond he blocked the both of us and sat back in the corner of my mind smirking, I mentally send Mikey a questioning look but he just shrugged and stepped in the other corner of my mind grinning deviously, what the heck is going on?

Closing my eyes I lean back in the comfortable white seat and enjoy the rumble coming from the planes engine.

"sir we're he-" before the female flight attendant could finish her sentence I'm grabbing my luggage and briefcase while quickly running my fingers through my silver hair. Bolting off the plane my feet bring me to the car where Mike my driver is waiting anxiously, not having time for a conversation I ask him for the report while removing my tie and suit jacket " the rouge archangels are attacking the kingdom some have made it past the gates and from what I know there's inhumane creatures attending the attack" growling I feel one eye turn silver while the other molten gold, Mikey's fur sprouts threw my skin and clothing while Angelo's wings sprout out of my back destroying the back doors of the car "stop the car" I hiss and stomp my feet on the floor of the car and push myself up destroying the roof but I don't care. How dare they attack my kingdom!!

Screeching I excel in the air, faster than any car could go and in no time I fly straight into the mouth of the cave and the first thing I see are thousands apon thousands of rouge archangels along with things on two legs, fur, tails, scales and claws with red eyes on the other side of the gate trying to claw there way through with one occasionally escaping but getting vaporized Immediately while some others pop up out of the clouds like daisy's. The inhumane creatures. A scream followed by many other screams sound inside the palace making my fur sprout all through my body as I recognized one as my brother, my shirt ripped as my chest muscles became more defined along with my arm, legs and calf's, my whole body is covered in black fur and I stand only in two legs and my two wings become as sharp as knives.

Sprinting to the source I find three animals as small as an omega standing on two feet with scales,green wings made from wood, red eyesand a long tail. Hissing at them I bare my claws as they circle three children two unknown while the other is Jayden. Before I could attack them a loud hiss filled the air as the wind picked up and I could hear flapping wings as a scent made its way into my nose. A female with Blue hair with what looks like fire in her hands and at the ends of her hair with one green and blue eye lands in the middle of the group in front of the children . She hisses at the creatures as they near the little boy with red hair and black glasses and it seems they stepped over an imaginary line when they hiss back making a growl erupt from my chest as my claws lengthen.

The creature swiped at her but Immidietly regreted it when it's hand made contact with her skin, like poison, it draws its hand back and screeched as loud as it could as the scales on its body lifted off his body as well as its skin leaving nothing but insides where it once was. The girl stepped towards the other two but growled at me when i tried to step in and surprisingly I did back away but remained on gard ready to jump in if any harm is caused to the unknown female. She thrusts her hands towards them and fiery chains wrapped around both of them as they came out her palms and they tighten as they continue snapping at the three children, they made her mad.

I know it's not the time but it's a major turn on. Why? I don't know

She formed both hands into fist and the chains crushed them while the fire burned them and nothing was left but ash. She turned to the little boy and girl with worried eyes as the fire dispersed from around her her sweet voice carried to me like its taunting me "are you alright" they both nod and give her bone crushing hugs, she turned to Jayden and asked the same question and got the same answer so as the rouge archangels made themselves known her whole body lit itself on fire as she told the trio to head back inside.

It wasn't until now that I noticed that I changed back to human form in only my pants, how it usually takes me to get nocked out to become human again. She turns to me and we make eye contact it feels as if the wind got knocked out of me and my heart stopped beating, she's beautiful. She murmured 'Mate' then as another screech was heard all her emotions hardened in her eyes leaving nothing but coldness but not for me, the rouges on my territory.

I finally found my mate after 5years and she's gorgeous and special. She shouldn't be out here, not when she could get hurt. The clouds our feet stands on trembled as her body started to shake when every single rouge screeched as one and I knew that was it.

They tested her limits.

She let's out an out raged roar as one black and white wing sprouted from her back, midnight fur sprouted from her skin and what looked like fangs pop from her gums and the fire goes more wild and as the flames grow close to me I knew she wouldn't hurt me and I was right.

As the flames licked my body it didn't hurt.

No, it caused pleasure to my body making me groan I know it's not the right time as I see her thrust her body in the air and landed on the other side of the gate and that's all it took.

One punch

For every single rouge and inhumane creature to die.

As the flames died down from her body the fur, wings and fangs make themselves back to their original place. Her body still shakes with what I assume is rage and only one person could help her now.


As her mate

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