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Kayto Halòs

Clearing my throat i shoot one more person and cut off my phone then straighten my spine, my eyes travel from her bright socks to her loose black jogging pants that's hanging off her luscious hips with her bright orange underwear peeking from the top to her flat,  bare stomach with something written in a weird language on one side while the other has a phoenix, my eyes follow the curve of her torso to the heart beat over her heart they then stop at her multi colored eyes "are you done?" Damn!!! She caught me!! But you can't blame me she's sexy as hell.

Coughing in my fist I try my best to keep my eyes on her eyes and not her lips "so why are you he-" I cut her off "your a great mother" she blushed and looked away from me "uh thanks I guess" I nod and pat the spot beside me but she sat in the floor in front of me "why are you on the floor?" she shrugged "it's comfy" I get off the bed and lay beside her on the carpeted floor, she's right it is comfy "How old are you" her face remains emotionless "I'm 79 years old" so I'm older than her,  good. Why isn't she asking me the same question? It doesn't look like she is either "well I'm 81 years old" her face remains emotionless, why is she so closed off?

My head turns to her direction, her body is unmoving, it's paler than before she came in the house, her chest isn't moving, her eyes remain open. I would think she was dead if not for her heart beat or the sound of her breathing, I find it amazing how she remains beautiful when she is not even trying "why all of a sudden are you so cold?" she doesn't seem surprised by my question "what do you mean" her voice sounds as if she was a robot, like she wasn't the same. Sitting up my whole body turns to her "your pale, your unmoving, your voice sounds like a recording device and all of a sudden your uncaring! What happened? Why are you like this?" did I do something?? *No we didn't she's having a mental quarrel, she's fighting her memory from the past.  Something happened and it was heart broken* (Angelo the angel) *thanks Angelo*


Two weeks has flown by with the same cold behavior and it's killing me,  she's been giving me the cold shoulder. What did I do?? Nothing. I've been asking her over and over what happened, why is she like this but she keeps saying nothing happened. It's hard,  it's so hard to not brake down mean even Angelo is confused and scared that our mate will leave us.

I can't sleep,  I barely eat and every time I see her it makes it worse cause every time my eyes access her she seems skinnier and skinnier.  Her brothers are worried for her and the only person she will talk to is Jaxon and Kaden, she won't talk to her parents or her siblings back home and it's scaring all of us. 

Here I am laying in bed at  3:22 am thinking about what happened that night in her room. Before and after she came in the house, there has been a couple of arch sightings but not a attack it's just them lurking around the gate but nothing more than that.  We have changed the schedule for the watchers and who they are every three days so they wouldn't know our schedule if they are looking for that and we now have a curfew after the third sighting at 8:40. Her room is right under mine, I can hear the shuffles of the sheet under her, I hear her shifting back and forth under the blankets.

My room is the whole sixth floor while she's on the fifth, what's wrong with her? I shot up out of the bed when I hear her whimper for the fifth time and head to my closet elevator. In this elevator it can take me to each and every room in this castle so I scan the plate names and click the button that now has QAJ meaning Queen Ashanta Jetsly.

I tap my bare foot on the cold floor while biting my lip Ding!! Her closet wall opens and I hurriedly step out and run to her bed where she's flailing her arms around and sweat is all over her body making it glisten and her curly hair is fanned out under her head making her look very angelic "so beautiful" I whisper as the moon light shines off her body, her body lifts off the bed and it seems as if she's glowing. I watch in awe as from her roots to the ends it slowly turned white but when it reaches the ends it turned crystal and not to be creepy but her boobs grow in sizes, her lips get fuller and with a sigh her body lands softly on the bed.

Holy shit!! She looks like a goddess!! Absolutely perfect!!  I shakily sit in the rocking chair beside her bed and run my fingers through my hair,  my head snapped to her when she sprung up out of bed with her eyes still closed but her chest heaving, walking towards her I hesitantly press my palm against her cheek and examined her face with more prominent freckles. She leans into my palm and mumbled "your here" her voice sounds like velvet even if it came out only as a whisper, she placed her hand on top of mine "you really are"

She opened her eyes slowly and I stumbled back as the new color hit me. The outer ring of her right eye is a green while the other outer ring is aqua blue but what shocks me most is that both inner rings are violet with specks of silver. She shakes her head while tears flow down her face "I'm so sorry" I catch her as her legs weaken underneath her weight and she burrows her face in my chest while running her nail over my ab line,  this is not helping at all. 

Her running her nail over my ab feels like heaven. It feels really good. Sexual even.

Biting my lip to keep myself from moaning I decide to just bury my face into her shoulder since its not the time to be a horny ass.  "what happened" she shook her head "I'm so sorry for being a major bitch" her tears run down my chest softly, it tickles. "what happened pumpkin" she draws back but wrapped her arms around my neck "forgive me?" I nod while staring into her eyes "of course" she shook her head no "no forgive me I didn't tell you" picking her up I set her on the bed "didn't tell me what?" she patted the side of the bed with shaky hands "sit"

Sitting beside her I grab one of her hands and kiss it "it's alright" she rubbed her thumb over my knuckles "you weren't the only one" what? She looked over at me with teary eyes "you weren't my only mate"

The kings warDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora