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Well that's what I  thought,

A knock on the door stops my pacing, no one besides me, Kaden and...Zayn know about this place.  It's been six days since he's made any contact with me or Kaden, we're worried.  Mostly me because for the last three days I've been feeling pains all over my body but yesterday was the worst it felt as if my whole body was on fire and my head was going to explode it kept me thinking, what if it was Zayn's pain and not my own?

Walking to the door I open it bit find no one but a box with a black trash bag beside it and they both smell of Zayn and the one thing that makes me wanna hurl.


"Kaden" I haven't talked for the late six days so he knows something is wrong. He sprints down the hall towards me "what's wrong bean stalk?" I shakily point to the bag.  He turns to the bag and the box and picks the bag up and leaves me the box.  Following him to the living room I sit beside him and place the box on the table "we open them on the count of three" he grabs my hand,  my eyes fill with tears and I watch as his fill with anticipation and tears as well.




Opening the box I hear Kaden untying THW bag slowly and on top was a note,  picking it up it read

You can't hide this from me, hybrid.  What did you expect he's one of me,  a vampire I'll always find it out. He's been missing well guess what I found him
-your loving grandfather Vlad

Ripping my eyes away from the note my eyes meet lifeless green eyes staring right at me. Screaming I shake my head as tears flow down my face,  in the box lays Zayn's head.

He's gone


Never coming back

My mate's missing from my life forever

"No!! No!!no!! This can't be happening to me, hes not dead this is not my mate. No, he'll never leave me" rocking back and forth I noticed Kaden staring into the bag with a pale face and tears flowing down his face, peeking into the bag I noticed an arm with a red and black sleeve on it,  then a leg that's missing the knee down but has black jeans on it. But the thing that draws my attention is the name tattooed on his arm,  my name.


That's what Zayn had on before he left and that's his arm

-Flash back-
Hugging Zayn I bury my face into his red and black checkered shirt that I got him for his birthday "I'll miss you and make sure you be careful and call me okay" he kisses my head and tilts my head back to look at him "I'll be fine mi amor (my love)and I'll call you every day,  I love you sweet heart" tears fall down my face and I grin and step on my tippy toes as he leans down to place his soft lips onto mine,  pulling back I peck his lips again "I love you two Zayn and please make sure you tell Mamma B I love and miss her for me" nodding he kissed more forehead again and squeezed me, Mamma B is his sweet mom"I'll be back in three days time"

Smiling I pull away a wipe my tears "take care of your mom then come back to me okay" he grins and picked up his bag "remember call me" waving at me he blew a kiss and walked to his plane bit not before turning and winking at me "I love you Ashanta Jetsly" waving I wipe my tears as the plane disappears from sight
-Flash back over-

This is my mate in this back

The one who loved me


My own grandfather did this

I'll get him back

For me

For kaden

For Momma B

And for Zayn

My body starts shaking uncontrollably and my breathing gets quicker,  Kaden quickly turns to me and wrapped his arms around me.

We both lost one of the most important things in our lives

Dream over

Gasping for air my body shoots up as the sobs wrecked through my chest, a knock on the door catches my attention, turning out the corner of my eye I catch the time 2:22 .  Pulling the door open Kaden stands there with tears flowing down his face like me, pulling him in my room I bury my face into his chest "did you have the dream two" nodding he wrapped his arms arms around me and carried me to the bed. Laying down with me he pulled the blankets up on us and I placed my head on his chest, we don't ask any questions but relish in the sense of calmness and safeness from one another. Before I close my eyes I whisper "Estoy va Para Obtener le Atrás para todos de us Me No cuidado If se toma mi vida voy a Obtener que sol de a Perra Atrás..... para todos de us" (I'm going to get him back for all of us I don't care if it takes my life I'll get that sun of a bitch back........for all of us) 

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