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Kayto Halòs
My wings sprout from my back as I lift myself from the ground and land gracefully in front of her but not to close, she needs space.  Her eyes are closed with her fist balled up and I examine her, she seems fine and the blood on her belonged to the rouges that she just killed.  About 5'7-8, beautiful curly dark blue hair with white tips,  plump lips, oval shaped face and a beautiful body, she's wearing what I presume are purple leggings with the sides see through, a bloody black tube top, purple leather jacket and what astonished me the most,  heels. I'm proud to say I have a beautiful mate.

*we have a beautiful mate Kayto remember . W. E. we  me, you and Angelo also Angelo told you we were gonna find her*

*not the time Mikey*

She sensed my presence as her fist un-balled and her face became relaxed, finally she opened her eyes.


These are the words I will describe her eyes they are those and many other words that I can't even think of.  She watched me cautiously as I slowly take steps towards her,  I get that,  she just came here and she already fought so she doesn't know who to trust.  I maintain eye contact to show her I mean no harm and raised my hand and hesitantly place my hand on the side of her face, I almost made the mistake at moaning from how great and powerful these sparks are.

As my hand made contact with her skin her body relaxed and she leaned into my touch while closing her eyes. I like it. How responsive she is to my touch. "Calm" as I whisper I her her breath out in satisfaction but suddenly her eyes snapped open and she looks around hurriedly and whispered softly "Jaxon" Jaxon? Whose Jaxon?  I don't remember mom saying anything about a male besides her brothers and two younger kids.  Growling possessively my hands find their way to her waist and pulled her to me,  burying my face in her hair I inhale her scent, blue berry muffin mixed with banana.  She placed her hands on my chest and looked at me "where's Jaxon the little boy with red hair" how could she not know, she told them to go inside? "you don't remember" she shook her head no and slightly backed away but not to far "i-i-i kinda just blacked out I don't remember anything is everyone alright? is Malaya and Jaxon safe? How about Jayden? Is he safe?" grabbing her elbow I pull her to me "everyone is fine okay you saved them" she nods in my chest,  wrapping a wing around her I use the other one to fly us to the other side of the gate,  it's dangerous down here. Her eyes fogged up then returned to their normal color as the little boy, Jaxon ran to her "momma!!! Momma!! Your safe!!"

I think my heart just stopped

Ashanta Jetsly

Pulling away from my mate, whom I don't know the name of, I sprint to Jaxon with my hands ready to grab him.  Coming at him full speed I pick him up and spun him around and start peppering kisses all over his face "your alright...your safe...no harm done" checking all over his body I set him on the ground and drop down to my knees, giggling he placed his small hands in both sides of my face "I'm alright mommy" I smile up at him with teary eyes and kiss him on his forehead and inhale his familiar blueberry scent with a hint of salt making me and the girls relax knowing he's safe and un harmed.

My mate cleared his throat drawing both of our attention to him,  he placed his hand out towards me while the other remained by his side in a tight fist "Kayto Halòs, The Angel King" oh my god, my mates Sophie's oldest son, the king, holy heck!! With a blank face I shook his hand as the sparks flew up my arms to my heart "hello your majesty I'm Ashanta Jetsly, and this is my son Jaxon Cole it's a pleasure to meet you" I bowed my head slightly, this feels wrong it should be the other way around. He growled and gently lifts my head up with his two fingers but then stepped back and ticked his tongue "son huh" didn't I just say that? What's wrong with him? *use that brain we share and think.... Why would our mate be upset that you already have a kid*(Jenna, the demon/phoenix) *hes not my actual kid* *Ashanta darling what Jenna so nicely tried to say is that he thinks you lost your purity to another besides himself * (Arora, the Angel) *thanks Rora I like you best*

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