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Placing my hands over Jaxon's face "no peeking"cupping my hands that's on his eyes he tried to pry them off "no, no, no it's a surprise" pouting he crossed his arms but allowed me to direct him, I decided to take Jaxon to the place where I make my cakes, cookies, Popsicle's, any sweet really so we could have a mom, son day that's on the out skirts of the city.

"keep your hands there" unlocking the door I make sure he's not peeking "close your eyes" taking his hand I pull him in the house that still smells like chocolate chip cookies, flicking the light switch the whole place lights up "alright you can open your eyes on the count of three" walking to the kitchen I flick the lights on "1" pulling out the ice cream I place it on the counter "2" closing my eyes I imagine a cake made out of cookie with his name on it in blue and green icing "3" I hear the soft patters of his feet as he wondered around the living room, placing the ice cream and the cookie cake on the table I grab two sets of plates, spoons, napkins and forks.

Grinning I wait for his feet to come near the kitchen as soon as I spot his red hair I start singing the birthday song, clapping he skipped over to where I am with a huge smile on his chubby face. When I'm finished singing I tell him to blow out the candle and make a wish, closing his eyes for a few seconds he reopened them and blew out the candle "Jax how old are you now" I ask while putting cake and ice cream on our plates, shoving chocolate ice cream in his mouth he held up six fingers.

After we both are finished with our food I take him to the back yard that has fences around it for privacy. In my back yard there is a play ground set, pool, bikes, four wheelers and a race track on the in lining of the face. Jaxon's mouth dropped, taking his glasses from him I take them back in the house and place them in the kitchen counter and return to Jaxon, smiling I look down at Jaxon pit my hands up in a questioning manor "what first"

After spending four hours we decided it was best to go home. Locking the door I glance at a smiling Jaxon "did you have fun" his smile gets bigger as he hugged my side "yes I did thank you mommy I love you so much" patting his back we walk to the car "I love you too kid" starting to car we head for home while listening to Charlie Puth.

Turning into the driveway dad is standing at the gates waiting for us in a grey suit and since I know he's king, his golden crown. Parking beside moms Jaguar we get out and each hugged dad "key kiddos have fun?" he asked as he ruffled Jaxon's hair and put he arm around my shoulder, Jaxon jumped at down excitedly "yes, yes, yes!! Mommy took me to this place and we ate a cookie cake thing with ice cream!! Oh and in the back yard there was a slide, swing, this circle spinny thing, a pool, bikes and four wheelers we had so much fun!! Mommy even taught me how to ride a bike and swim!!" he was explaining to dad how I let him get on my back and paddle until he got the hang of it and tried on his own since I can't shift until my 20ith birthday tomorrow.

Dropping my keys in the basket I noticed our bags in the living room along with Malaya's princess pink suit cases and the twins superman and Batman ones, even though they are 17 I don't blame them batman and superman is the bomb and you wanna know something funny I have the Robin suitcase while Jaxon got Scooby-doo. Checking my watch, we have about an hour and thirty minutes until we leave "come on Jaxon we got to get ready" I distantly could hear Jaxon shout 'I'll be right back then I'll tell you how she taught me to ride a bike', his feet patter up the stairs and into our room, we share a room because he has night mares and he doesn't have them if he's with me the same as Kaden. Laying on our bed is a note with two outfits under it one for me and the other for Jaxon. The note is from Rain and it says

I'm glad I was able to get an outfit for the both of you cause lord knows them maids don't have any fashion sense what so ever they even left the cute stuff but I quickly switched anyway hurry and get dressed the both of you I want to see you before you go and I might have a surprise
-Your loving aunt and sister Rain

Rolling my eyes I picked up the outfit "Jaxon you can use my bathroom and I'll use the bathroom across the hall" taking his clothes he heads to my bathroom with a nod, getting out of the shower I wrap a towel around me and look at what rain picked out. White and grey bra and boy shorts set with ripped dark Blue jeans,black crop top with 'his mom' in gold, black leather jacket and black stilettos along with gold hoops and bracelets and a gold belly button ring shaped as a moon, once again it screams Rain. After getting dressed I let my hair out in its curls and left it like that then grabbed the extra makeup bag from under the counter and put some mascara,brown eyeliner, clear lip gloss then moisturizer.

Throwing my old clothes in the hamper I grab the red stilettos and head back to the room where Jaxon is waiting with blue jeans, a black shirt that said 'her son' in gold with black converse and leather jacket "hey we match" smiling he looked at my outfit "yea... Mommy you look pretty" kissing his cheek I ruffled his hair "thanks sonido" (son) tilting his head he puffed his cheeks out "what does sunaldo mean" shaking my head I smile softly "sonido means son in English" "oh" beside him on the bed is my phone so I quickly check the time 6:43 "alright cutie put your clothes in the hamper and take the shoes that you were wearing with you downstairs to put in your suitcase" apparently when I was knocked out him,Malaya, and rain decided to have a little fun and went to the mall to buy him plenty of shoes and clothes so he had about four large suitcases down stairs that each is a character from Scooby-doo.

One is Freddy, another is Daphney, the other is Velma and the last one is Scooby-doo and shaggy. Heading down stairs I turn slightly towards him "you like your mommy son/ birthday day" swinging his shoes he grins up at me "yea thank you mommy I had alot of fun" now thinking about it I haven't told Emma, Annie or Andy that I was leaving and what about my college career or the boys(Kaden,Blake and Jaxon) and Malaya in school? Oh my god now I remember what Vlad said 'Walking in the living room I find dad laying In his chair on his phone with his reading glasses on "dad" he doesn't look up from his phone "hm" sitting on the stool infront of him"dad I have a question actually a few, one is how about everyone's school and my college degree in photography and before Vlad threw me out the window he said something that I remember and forgot to tell you at the hospital" clicking off his phone and removing his glasses his face turned serious as he stared at me

"what did he say" wiping the sweat off my hands and rubbing it on my pants I stare down at my heels "he said 'One day.... One day I'll get you and take down the whole werewolf race... I can not let some stupid bitch try taking my thrown.... I'll get you and I'll kill you then I'll be the most powerful man there ever was' then that's when he disappeared" scratching his 5oclock beard he rolled up his sleeves "I'll make arrangements for the five of you to have security flocking each and everyone of you until you become warriors but still then you will have 2 guards with you every second of every day I don't care if it's to use the bathroom they will check it first and make sure any window is locked and if you go to sleep they check your bedroom,bathroom,closet and under your bed then lock your windows" my eye brows furrow "dad we're going to be in heaven, the sky and I'm pretty sure this cave you speak of has some type of button or scanner to make sure your accurate" narrowing his eyes at me he stared at me "you will not argue with me do you understand that" sighing I nod "alright father"

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