19(imagine with red hair and deep blue eyes)

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Sparks? I have a 3rd mate?!!

After their introduction I asked the question that was on my mind since I got here "if you don't mind my asking why are you here?" my eyes stayed trained on Geo for some reason. Stop Shanta you have a mate, shockingly that wasn't any of my other halves but it was my own consciousness. Usually if I'm staring at a guy the way I am at Geo then one of my halves will be really mad but right now I don't feel anything but one thing from them all. It was a sense of longing but why? He stared back at me with a small smile on his face "we came because we heard you guys were coming here and I wanted to meet the chosen family along with the chosen one" it was who talked. I nodded "also we came to help you with your powers" this time it was her husband who talked "so my Vampire, mermaid, demond/Phoenix and etc?"

They nodded and Geo spoke "I am also not only a Demond but I'm a Phoenix, we are the only ones left on earth so of course I'll be the one who will be spending most time with you" I heard Leo chuckle "yea we know bud" Geo glared at him just as two people come waltzing out of the woods, only one in the arms of the other. I feel my brothers go on either side of me and Jaxon stand in front of me with Malaya beside him. Jaxon glared at him and crossed his tiny arms, standing in front of us Kayto gently set Hazel on her feet. She 'stumbles' and leaned on him for support "hey, where were you? You left me and Haze alone"

Clearing my throat i put on my natural face avoid of any emotion "well you guys looked like you wanted some privacy so I gave it, I am sorry your Highness for the misunderstanding" his face dropped but I didn't miss the little squeeze the girl gave his waist. "Shanta it's not anything you think-" I shook my head and laughed "oh shut it, I don't need this at all I'm only here to train and to not have a mix up with one of my mates. You and Haze can leave because I have the people I love waiting for us to train" his face hardens as he glared at me and let go of the girls waist. He took a step towards me but Blake stands right in front of me "I dare you to take another step" Kayto glared and pushed Blake out of the way making Blake trip and fall "lay your fucking hand on my brother again and I'll kill you, mate or not" he clinched his jaw and stomped forward, he raised his hand as if about to hit me but all of a sudden he's sent back in the air.

Confused I look around and saw the people around me jump away about ten feet while I stayed the same, my eyebrows furrow "what's up guys?" Blake stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead "you not hot?" I shook my head as I felt a presence behind me, I looked down to see flames coming from behind me. Slowly turning around my eyes met blazing fiery red eyes unlike the blue ones I saw, I saw his whole body was on fire but funnily the flames didn't hurt me. I heard a growl "stay away from her!!!" then I heard them scream as the fire lashes their skin. His hands slowly moved to cup my face and I sighed as I moved my face to nuzzle his hand, I felt my own body flame up. My blue fire entwined with his red fire beautifuly "your beautiful" he spoke and smiled at me "thank you but can you tell me something?" he nodded and placed his forehead on mine.

I closed my eyes "are you the legend?"

Legend has it that the Demon King was a nice young man who had a fire so hot that it couldn't be extinguished, he went to a witch and got a ring to allow his body to inflame when chosen. They say that his true mate who previously had two mates will be able to extinguish that fire, he has never been able to be touched because of how hot his body is.

I felt him nod against me "yes darling" I froze and opened my eyes "are the legends true then?" he smiled as I put a sound proof dome around us so not only with they not hear us but they won't feel our heat. "The legend states many things about me however it doesn't say much things about everything in my life but the part of having a mate who was treated poorly by the second one but their first one was killed. The second one though, he was cheating on his mate with his best friend who was also his mate but his werewolf side's"

I wrapped my arms around his waist as his hand ran through my hair "how come I'm just meeting you?" I felt his shoulders sag "I've known you your whole life, I was protecting you but I had to follow the prophesy and wait for when you was ready" he held me close and all of a sudden I felt hard bangs on my dome. Looking behind me I saw that Kayto had turned into his Angel who was violently slashing at the dome, sighing I let go of Geo making him stare at me confused as I turned towards Kayto "trust me" is all I say as I walked to where Angelo stood watching me walk towards him.

He rested his head against the dome and placed his palms on either side of his head, I placed my hands where his hands where and felt tiny sparks go through the dome. I can't let Angelo suffer for something his wolf and human did, so I laid my head against the dome where he was and connected with the goddess:

You want me to give him another mate?

I do, I don't want him to suffer for what his human and wolf did

As you wish but have you decided

There was never an option


I stepped away from the dome and walked back over to where Geo was standing in the middle of the dome. I stood in front of him and let my flames die out "trust me" he nodded, I put my hand up "don't turn off your flames". I went to grab his hand but he flinched back "you'll get hurt" I shook my head and stared into his eyes "trust me" I went to grab it again but this time he remained stiff, I grabbed his hand and instantly his flames went off "mate" was the words that came out of my mouth.

Not only was the prophesy true but the electric running through our palms were way stronger than with Zain and Kayto. Geo's eyes were closed as he held my hand "it's been so long since I've felt the touch of another, I've been waiting a milliniom for you" I felt Jenna (demons/Phoenix) push through "and I, You my love" his eyes changed to the same as Jenna's but since she's unique his is orange and black Instead of her red. His voice git deeper "my darling Jenna it has been awhile since we have last seen one another, I've missed you"

Jenna took over my body and hugged him "I've missed you two my love, so much" his arms wrapped around my waist and he inhaled my scent "Claud how come you've never reached out to me?" I felt his fire heat inside my body "I-i wanted to, but I could not mess with you or your sisters safety" he considers me and the girls as sisters , Jenna whimpered out her understanding then stepped back to allow me access back to my body. The girls tried to console her saying at least she has a mate but what I don't get is why they keep saying he's her mate but really he's all of our mate.

He stayed in place and held out his hand towards me "hello there im Claud, the Demix of Geo" i look at him confused but shook his hand "Demix?" He nodded but then looked understanding "its the mix between Demon and Phoenix" I nodded then watched as he sent me a smile then closed his eyes to open them to reveal Geos dark blue ones "you are very beautiful" I roll my eyes at the over used saying "nah I'm not, I'm very natural looking" he stares dumb founded at me "you just opened that beautiful mouth of yours only to spew out shit, that's a misuse"

Gotta admit, did not expect that. Its my turn to stare dumb founded at him making him smirk "okay then" with that I put down the dome only to be pulled back into a hard chest. Looking up I spot Kaden who looked at Geo strangely

:can you ask if he's my king for me?:

I nodded "he asked if you were his king since you are the king of demons" he shook his head and walked to us to whisper "normally I would say yes you were apart of my kingdom but since your apart of the chosen family, your stronger than me" Kaden stared shocked and looked at me but I shook my head and placed my hand on Geo's shoulder so Kaden could talk through our link

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