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Pulling up, Emma is hopping around the entrance to the college talking to herself, shaking my head I get out the car "what's wrong now Emmy" her head snaps up making her dyed grey hair go everywhere, her grey eyes brightens and she starts rambling "he's so cute,  I mean I know he's a teacher and probably like 50 years older than me but still he was so cute!! To bad he is married but still so many girls like Brittany, Amera, Jennet, Maria and all there minions have tried a dozen times and he's only been here for 2 hours cause Mr. Cartez wanted to teach all the morning classes one more time along with one evening class but still I'm a virgin and I'll easily give it to him cause I mean,  dang!!" grabbing her shoulders I shake her shoulders "breathe Emmy and tell me who are you talking about?" breathing in quickly she apologized "I'm talking about the new teacher Mr. Hughs he's soooo nice I talked to him for only like a minute cause I wanted to know where Mr. Cartez put my gum since you know I get really excited I talk Alot and start rambling on and on you know like right now" that name sounds oddly familiar but I just can't remember "anyway enough about the teacher hunk,  your turning twenty next Thursday how does it feel!!!" shrugging I hand her the extra gum I always have for when she gets like this and open my locker to see my binders placed neatly together with a note from Andy, another one of my friends

Here you always happen to leave these see you in homeroom

Smiling I grab all my binders and close my locker "ooooh  a note whose it from" smiling teasingly at her I shrug "don't know " squealing she jumped up and down "Ooh Andy" she wiggles her eyebrows subjectively, everyone thinks we like each other I mean yes I like him but I think it's one sided also it's not freaking high school!!! "yes,  Emmy" opening the door Emma goes in first saying she wants to talk to Mr. Hunk as she says "Shanty back here" scanning the room my eyes connects with Andy's baby blue eyes, taking a seat beside him I smell his scent "new cologne?" he visibly tenses, weird he smells like Asher,  the woods. "what are you talking about? I'm not wearing cologne"  staring at him his cheeks reddens, "alright then why were you with Asher?" he sucks in a breathe "what are you talking about?" oh my gosh is he? Is he? "Andy are you gay?" he looks absolutely petrified and he shakes his head vigorously "what!!! Oh heck no!! I like someone, a girl someone!" he likes someone? I frown noticing he's not making eye contact with me "Ooh I wanna know!!" does he like someone besides me? My head hurts just thinking about it , he shakes his head "do I know her?" he nods and mumbled "more than you think" so someone close to me "Brittany" no "Amera" no "no hoes Shanty" oh okay so that leaves the girls "Emma" no "Mary" no "Sarah" no "Annie" no "I give up, who?" he stares at me and leaned in close to my ear making his breath hit my neck and I shiver "you'd like to know wouldn't you?" I nod "I like a girl who has one green and blue eye and who's 5'10 she has beautiful silky Blue hair and has a killer smile" blushing I make eye contact with Emma who winks at me while smirking "me?" nodding he backed slightly away so we're face to face "I like you Ashanta Jetsly" placing both hands on either side of his face I stare into his eyes "I like you two" Andy is 6'3 with ocean colored eyes with Brown hair that reaches his shoulders with a piece died grey  in the front and he had to get braces which are grey and he's 21 years old.

Smashing his lips to mine I close my eyes "alright class I'm the new teacher for photography and I need you to introduce yourself to me I'm Mr. Hughs  but my name is Vlad Hughs" Andy glares at Mr. Hughs with a hatred that could burn someones soul, as we split apart,I thought they just met and you wanna know something even more weird I see Mr. Hughs smell the air and wrinkle his nose in Andy's direction. I hear the teacher grumble really low 'mutt' mutt? Like a dog? Where? Looking around us I see no dog so I shake it off thinking I heard wrong.  Mr. Hughs points to the first girl "starting with you"
"Ashley Burn"
"Dale Earnhardt"
"Leon Codet"
"Brittany Fae"
"Arianna Granedet"
"Amera Gucci"
"Sandra Bullock"
"Mark Trinadet"
"Fran Jackson"
"Trinity Campbell"
"Cathy Washington"
"Maria Sharapova"
"Janet Smith"
"Paris Grey"
"Angela Slater"
"Angelo Slater"
"Angel Slater"   triplets
"Drey Mathews"
"Grey Mathews"    twins
"Brandon Shàhà"
"Tate Ashton"
"Santiago Jeteŕio"
Next is Andy's turn and he says through gritted teeth "Andrew Marlamay" next is my turn.
Mr. Hughs smirked at me and leaned on the desk "and what is your name darling" eww, he's married and he's like 30 years older than me and I'm nineteen "My name is Ashanta Jetsly" he grinned widely "meet me after class" Brittany glared at me followed by Maria,Janet, and Amera while Emma kicked me from under the table drawing my attention to her and she winked at me "next" Emma smiled flirtatiously at him "Emma Greendale" he looked just as creeped out as when Brittany and the others winked at him, clapping his hands he tells everyone to get partners for a photography project.

Emma walked over to Angel, they some what date,  and he looks absolutely peed off at her I guess cause she flirted with a 40 year old. I partner with Andy who smiles at me and grab my hand, after working a few hours on the project the teacher speaks up adultery checking the time "alright class ends in about a minute so pack up and set dates for when you do your project and remember it's about who you love or what you love that you share in common" getting my binders I hand them to Andy who gives me a kiss on the cheek and tells me he'll go put them in my locker and wait for me outside the door.

With one last glare at the teacher he steps out the door leaving me with the very creepy teacher "so Miss. Jetsly tell me who your father is" confused I ask him why "I just wanna know what the werewolf king tells you he does" werewolf king? "My dad is not any king let alone a werewolf king so I'm afraid you have the wrong person"

I go to open the door but I'm thrown back with an invisible source making me hit the window all the way across the room "no I have the right person. Ashanta Jetsly, 5'10, 19 years old but 20 on next Thursday has five other siblings" what is he a freaking stalker??!! This is absolutely ridiculous, feeling the back of my head I see blood on my finger tips "what's your freaking problem!!" my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket so I discreetly answer it without him seeing "do you speak Spanish?" curiously he shakes his head "no I do not know how to speak or even understand Spanish...your the so called hybrid... I thought you were gonna be..... More.... Dangerous." peeking in my pocket I see dads name

"Papá allí es algunos tío aquí que fue supone Para ser el Profesor y él ha me cornered Me Necesidad de helpmy cabezas de sangrado él dice Estoy algunos tipo de híbrido"(Dad there is some dude here that was supposed to be the teacher and he has me cornered I need help....my heads bleeding he says I'm some kind of hybrid) Mr. Hughs makes a tsking noise "so freaking Vulnerable Dile me Cole.how's mi Hija.se Mira como If mi propia nieta no recognize me Qué ha se sido.19 años.oh Me Recuerde por qué Que borrar su memoria cada 19 años y hacer hasta algunos bajo historia de su siendo en a coma Qué fue se Este tiempo?oh fue se como pasado tiempo?lo hizo ella Golpe su cabeza en el parte inferior de a piscina?o Cómo Acerca de a BICICLETA accidente? Que Hecho que excusa para 80 años tratar de Para proteger su niño" (Tell me Cole... how's my daughter...... it looks as if my own granddaughter doesn't recognize me what has it been.... 19 years.... oh I remember why you erase her memory every 19 years and make up some sob story of her being in a coma what was it this time? oh was it like last time? Did she hit her head at the bottom of a pool?? or how about a bike accident?  You made that excuse for 80 years trying to protect your kid)

what does he mean his granddaughter? Or even daughter? Coma? Dad said that when I was 12 that Asher and me went to a ice rink and someone pushed me and I hit my head on the ice and I went into a...... Coma......  He did that for 80 years??? I'm 80 years old?? No,  he's lying I'm 19 and I'm turning 20 on my birthday. "Vlad If Que daño su Me jodido Juro voy a tomar hacia fuera su colmillos yo mismo y decapitate Que al mismo tiempo quema su cuerpo.toque uno más strand en su y Que el!el Que escuchar me!no que ser algo?" (Vlad if you hurt her I fucking swear I'll take out your fangs myself and decapitate you while burning your body..... touch one more strand on her and you die!!! Do you hear me?! Wouldn't that be something?)Fangs??!! Mr. Hughs grabs my neck and squeezed, struggling to breathe my body starts violently shaking.

Thundering footsteps could be heard as the door flew of the hinges and dad stood there with pitch black eyes while Asher stood there with black along with Rain but she has neon pink eyes " Vlad i swear if you kill her this will be your last day on earth" his hand squeezed harder and black spots spread across my vision, leaning down he whispered "uno día.uno día voy a Obtener Que y tomar abajo el conjunto werewolf carrera.Me puede No Deje que algunos estúpido Perra tratar de tomando mi lanzado.voy a Obtener Que y voy a matar a Que entonces voy a ser el la mayor parte Poderoso Uno allí siempre fue" (One day.... One day I'll get you and take down the whole werewolf race... I can not let some stupid bitch try taking my thrown.... I'll get you and I'll kill you then I'll be the most powerful man there ever was)  opening the window he holds me out and it's a 20 foot drop "say goodbye Ashanta" he tightens his grip and as the black dots take over my vision he disappeared into nothingness.

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