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Izuku woke up to the smell of his mom's cooking. He got out if his all might themed bed and got ready for his first day at UA. He ate and his bla bla, FORTH WALL ALREADY SHATTERED!! (Again XD)


Izuku was now walking into UA, he walked up to his classroom, 1A. He walked in and saw Kacchan, blue haired guy, and the girl that he saved in the entrance exam. "Get your feet off if the desk! It is very disrespectful!" Blue haired shouted.

Izuku was no longer the push over he used to be. After he got All Might's quirk passed into him, he's learned to stop taking crap. Or at least to not let people walk all over him. Well, that's who he's trying to act like. Kinda worked for a bit.

Blue haired boy looked in the direction of the door that Izuku was in. He saw Midoriya mumbling about something walking into the classroom more.

'Oh, it's that boy from the entrance exam, what was he going to tell that girl anyway? Probably going to try and make her fail some how,' Blue haired boy thought. "Excuse me, but I'm not that kind of person blue haired sir. Don't assume things, that's also disrespectful," Izuku said in a monotone voice.

"Uhh, I didn't say anything, also I'm Tenya Iida," Iida said. "No, but you thought something, I was just going to thank her for saving me from almost tripping," Izuku said leaving everyone confused.

More and more people came in and then the teacher. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Get your gym uniforms on and go outside. And before you ask, there's no orientation for this class.(you all know how this went down)" He said.

They got their uniform on and went outside. Once everyone was outside Aizawa said, "alright, I'm giving your tests in stuff like strength, speed agility and that sort if stuff. The student who places in last, is being expelled." 'Hope they know I'm not joking I've expelled a whole class before' Aizawa thought and Izuku heard.

"WHAAAA?!" Everyone shouted. "But we just got here, it wouldn't be fair to send one of use home when we worked so hard to get here!" Brown haired girl argued. "Oh, and villain attacks and national disasters are? Didn't think so," Aizawa said, "now Bakugo, you scored highest on the entrance exams, what was your ball through in middle school?" He asked. "Uh, 97 meters I think," He answered. (I forgot what it said in the anime, we'll just go with that number.) "Ok, now take this ball, and throw it using your quirk," Aizawa said. "Whatever," Bakugo said taking the ball and then throwing it. The ball landed and showed the class his score, 703.2 meters. (I think) "woah," Everyone said.

"Now we will continue this until everyone is done the go onto the next one," Aizawa said. He went through some people and finally Midoriya's turn.

"Ha, damn nerds going home, doesn't even have a strong quirk," Bakugo said. "What do you mean he doesn't have a strong quirk, he's got like super strength or something," Iida argued. "Pfft, that's a joke,"

He walked up, preparing himself for a broken arm as he charged his quirk. He threw the ball but it didn't get far, Aizawa, pro here Eraser Head, erased his quirk. "Wha," "Ha told you Sonic," Bakugo said.

Izuku looked at Aizawa and saw his hair standing up and his eyes red, but Izuku recognized the goggles. "Wait a minute, your, pro her, Eraser Head!" He shouted. "Yeah, also would you willingly break your arm and then deal with it for the rest of the tests?! If your done after one punch, then your useless, just redo your throw," Aizawa said.

Izuku thought about what he said the threat the ball using his quirk, but minimizing the damage while maximizing the power he focused the power at the end of his finger tip. "You see, I'm not out yet," Izuku said in slight pain because his finger is broken. "This kid," Aizawa said.

*time skip to after the tests*

Aizawa showed the scores and Izuku Midoriya was in last place. He was shocked, but expected it. "Here are the test scores.... Also I was lying, no ones going home," Aizawa said. "WHAT?!" Everyone yelled except for Bakugo and a few others.

Especially Midoriya. He then remembered what Aizawa thought earlier. "Mr, Aizawa! You are lying! You were going to send last place home! You've expelled a whole class before! So why not sent me home now?! Why change your mind?!" Izuku shouted. "How did you?-" Aizawa was saying. "I can read minds. It's that simple," Izuku said. "DAMN IT!! AND I THOUGHT STUPID DEKU WAS GOING TO LEAVE FOR ONCE!!" Bakugo yelled. "Kacchan, why are you always so mean?!" Izuku yelled at Kacchan.

"BECAUSE I AM!" He shouted back. "Anyway, why though?" Izuku asked Aizawa again. 'Because, you have potential,' Aizawa thought. "Ahh, I see, alright then," Izuku said after reading Aizawa's thoughts.

"DEKU! WHEN DID YOU HAVE SUCH S STRONG QUIRK!! WERE YOU LYING WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOUR QUIRK WHEN WE WERE KIDS?!" bakugo yelled. "Short story long, it appeared one day and I broke my arm accidentally while punching something" Izuku said simply. "THAT'S NOT A GREAT EXPLANATION!" Bakugo yelled running up to Deku in an angry manner. Deku began running and yelling, "I'VE NEVER MADE HIM MAD ON PURPOSE, AND I REGRET IT MASSIVELY!!" Aizawa used his scarf to stop Bakugo

*Time skip after school*

Izuku and Iida were walking out together, apologizing to each other about what happened in the morning. Brown haired girl came running, "DEKU," she yelled. He turned his head and looked stunned. "Umm, Deku isn't my real name," Izuku said kindly. "Oh, sorry, I'm Ochaco Uraraka, what's your name then?" She asked. "Oh, it's Izuku Midoriya. Deku is something Kacchan calls me to make fun of me," He said. "Well that's mean of him," She said. "Nah, he's done worse," Deku said.

They all went their separate ways and Izuku went home. He walked into the door and his mom welcomed him home. "Welcome home Izuku, how was your first day at UA?" She asked. "It was great, if you don't count Kacchan being Kacchan. I met two new friends. One is a girl with short brown that I saved in the entrance exams and the other a boy with blue hair and glasses," Izuku answered. "That's great! I'm so glad you've made some friends!" She answered.

After dinner Izuku went to bed and waited for the next day.

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