Cause and Effect

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Bakugo was going on a rampage. Yelling, threatening, while being held down. He got that mad. Aizawa was informed of what was going on in the cafeteria he got there right away. He threw one end of his scarf to catch Bakugo. It worked like normal,  Todoroki let Bakugo go knowing Aizawa would keep ahold of him
Aizawa kept a hold of Bakugo and said, "What happened?" "Aizawa sensei, Bakugo and Kirishima were arguing then Kirishima punched Bakugo after he, Bakugo, said something that ticked Kirishima off. Kirishima said something out of anger that made Bakugo try to slam his head on the ground. Midoriya stopped Kirishima from getting major injuries by sliding under Kirishima's head seconds before Kirishima's head was going to hit the ground. So now Midoriya and Kirishima are injured. Bakugo was still mad and here we are," Kaminari said. "Ahh, I see. Can anyone else confirm that's what happened? Just need to be sure that's what happened," Aizawa said. "OF COURSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!!" Bakugo yelled admitting everything. "I see. Me and the other staff members ,and of course the principal, will discuss what will happen, for now, Bakugo, you will be put in a cell, deal with it. We're also calling your mom to let her know of the situation," Aizawa said. "PFFT SEE IF I CARE THAT YOU CALL MY MOM!!" Bakugo yelled. "I never said that as a threat," Aizawa said leaving the room with Bakugo tied up.

*with Midoriya and Kirishima*

"I'll have to wait to treat them with my quirk until they wake up. For now I'll have to bandage them," Recovery Girl said to the few classmates that brought Midoriya and Kirishima there as she was bandaging them. She also took and xray of Midoriya and said, "well, it looks like Midoriya has a broken rib. And Kirishima, it looks like he may have a concussion." "Really? They're going to be ok right?" Uraraka asked. "Of course they're going to be ok. Kirishima might lose some memories, if he does, they'll return in time," Recovery girl said. "That's good their injuries aren't the worst of all," Iida said. "Agreed," Ashido said.

"We should see what's going on with Bakugo," Ashido said. "I'll stay here, you guys go on without me," Uraraka said. "Alright, if you say so Uraraka," Iida said.

Iida, Ashido, and I few others left. Uraraka sighed. "Why does Bakugo have to be such a jerk?" Uraraka asked herself. "Deku, I hope your ok," She said.

*with Aizawa and Bakugo*

Aizawa put Bakugo in a detention place and went to discuss, what'll happen to Bakugo, to the other staff.

Bakugo was in there thinking. 'Why did I do that? Why? I'm such an idiot. Stupid anger, no stupid Deku. This is always Deku's fault. If he hadn't read my mind, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have fought Kirishima, I wouldn't have gotten mad, it's always Deku's fault,' Bakugo  thought.

*with Aizawa*

"What shall happen to Bakugo? After his blow up?" Aizawa asked. "He should be expelled," One of the teachers said. "If we expell Bakugo, then we have to expell Kirishima too," Aizawa said. "How about, the two that he hurt decide what happens to Bakugo?" Principal Nedzu suggested. No one objected that idea. "Alright, Midoriya and Kirishima will decide what happens to Bakugo for his punishment," Nedzu said.

*with no one*

Midoriya and Kirishima were still unconscious, Bakugo was allowed to go back to classes, and classes continued. People were mad at Bakugo, and scared of him at the same time. Bakugo was mad at Midoriya, blaming him for what happened.

*two days later*

Uraraka, Iida, Ashido, and Todoroki visited Midoriya and Kirishima.

"I hope they wake up soon," Uraraka said. "Much agreed, it's been two days," Iida said. "I hope Kirishima wakes up real soon," Ashido said. "Is there a specific reason you want Kirishima to wake up soon?" Uraraka teased with a smirk on her face. "No, not other than he's my friend," Ashido says. "Midoriya should wake up soon," Todoroki said. He was worried about his first non-family friend.

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