The Video

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Izuku and Shoto slept in since it was the weekend. When they woke up they went down stairs and people were talking about stuff. Like Tsu and Uraraka were taking about a video. They saw Midoriya and went up to him and said, "We need to show you something." Everyone was there now and Uraraka and Tsu had a projector set up to play a video. "ALRIGHT!! MANY OF YOU WERE WONDERING WHY WE DIDN'T WANT TO WAKE DEKU UP!!" Uraraka yelled and everyone went and watched what was playing.

"Damn it Kirishima! This is my food!" Bakugo yelled. "No Bakugo, I bought it, it's mind!" Kirishima said loudly. Bakugo exploded the food and yelled, "NOW IT'S NO ONE'S!!" "MY BACON!!" Kirishima yelled. They saw Midoriya walk in tired.

"What the hell? What's going on?" Todoroki asked. "Kirishima and Bakugo are arguing over who's food is who's," Tsu said.

People could see the fear in Todoroki's face with the look Midoriya had, in the video.

"Kacchan~, Kirishima~," Midoriya said. "WHAT DO YOU WANT DEKU?!" Bakugo yelled. They saw Kaminari shiver in fear. Midoriya walked up to Bakugo, grabbed his hair, pulled Bakugo's face closer so Midoriya and him were seeing eye to eye, and said, "Listen Kacchan. I was sleeping. Your explosion woke me up. That better not happen again. In case you couldn't tell, I am tired, fricken Pikachu woke me up last night because of a dumb bug, so. You better shut, your, mouth. Got that? Kacchan?" He said this with a smile that would scare Pennywise, a tone that would terrify Satan, and an attitude that can scare Bakugo.

Everyone watching just stared at Midoriya. Everyone that wasn't there anyway.

Bakugo stayed quite and Midoriya let go of his head. Midoriya walked up to Kirishima and said, "You as well need to shut it." He said this with the same smile, tone, and attitude. Then walked away, grabbing Todoroki's wrist to take him back.

"What, the fuck," Bakugo said. "I think that's Midoriya pissed off, and tired," Kirishima said. "Wait, did he call Kaminari Pikachu?" Tsu asked. "Yes, yes he did," Kaminari said. "When the fuck was be able to talk back to me?!" Bakugo yelled. Midoriya came back down and said, "I guess you didn't understand me Kacchan. Should I put it in words you can understand? What would those be? Ah yes, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Midoriya yelled then went back to Todoroki.

Everyone was laughing and shocked while Midoriya was shocked at himself.

"Did Midoriya, just? Of all people did he? Just?" Kirishima said. "Yes, he of all fucking people, fucking swore," Bakugo said. "Hey, I have this on video," Tsu said. "Good! I WANT THAT DAMN NERD TO SEE WHAT HE DOES WHEN HE'S TIRED!! HAHA," Bakugo yelled really loud. Midoriya ran down there, catching the attention of the rest of the class that was there, and was about to attack Bakugo. Todoroki grabbed Midoriya holding him back. "LET ME GO TODO!!" Midoriya yelled. "NO, JUST GO BACK TO SLEEP! WE DON'T NEED THIS! ALSO BAKUGO! YELL ONE MORE TIME AND WAKE US UP I'M NOT STOPPING HIM!!" Todoroki yelled. "Us?!" Yaoyorozu and Uraraka yelled in confusion.

People just stared at them and laughed until they heard the explanation in the video.

"Yeah, we both passed out watching One Punch Man," Todoroki said. "Oh," Uraraka said. "Ok?" Yaoyorozu said. "Come on Midoriya, your tired. So just go to sleep. I'll drag you to your dorm if I have to," Todoroki said. "Holy, DEKU SINCE WHEN WERE YOU LIKE THIS?!" Bakugo yelled. Midoriya calmed down and just feel asleep right there, Todoroki holding him, and people looking.

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