Moving in

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They were standing in front of the new dorms. "Alright. Find your dorm on the sheet and go to it. You can decorate your dorm," Aizawa said zipping into his sleeping bag. Everyone saw where their dorm room was and went there to decorate. Midoriya had to take a trip to the apartment for his stuff. When he got back and done decorating his room with some All Might things(not as much as in the anime) he went to see how Todoroki's was. He knocked on the door and Todoroki pulled him in. "Hey," Todoroki said. "Hey Todo. Wow. Your room is amazing," Izuku commented. "Thanks, how's your room coming along?" Shoto asked. "I'm done with mine, I could help with yours if you'd like," Izuku offered. "Sure," Shoto said then kissed Izuku on the forehead. "Your so cute, you know that?" Shoto said. "Aww. Thanks Todo," Izuku said.

Izuku helped Shoto with his room and after a bit said, "hey, want me to get some drinks? Like orange juice? Apple juice? Water?" "Umm, how about apple juice," Shoto answered. "Ok, I'll be right back," Izuku said.

Izuku went to the downstairs fridge, grabbed two apple juice boxes, then made his way back. He walked passed Bakugo's room and heard 'something'. He was hearing two people making out. You can guess. Midoriya was freaked out and ran to Shoto's room. "I, wish, I, heard, nothing," Izuku said. "What happened?" Shoto asked. Izuku handed Shoto a juice box and said, "I was walking by Kacchan's room. It sounded like he and Kirishima were, like, kissing, a lot." "At least they got a room, that no one will walk into, this time," Shoto said. "Agreed," Izuku said that drank some of his juice box. "Hey, want to watch a movie tonight?" Shoto asked. "Yeah, what movie?" Izuku asked. "How about, we just watch some one punch man instead. I can't think of any movies," Shoto suggested. "Yeah, I was meaning to watch one punch man," Izuku agreed.

They finished and went to the lounge area. Their classmates were there, all except for Kirishima and Bakugo. "Hey, we should see each other's dorms!" Ashido suggested. "Sure," Izuku said. "Why not?" Yaoyorozu said. "I really don't care too much," Todoroki said. "Aww, come on Todo, don't be so, not caring," Midoriya said. 'I care about you don't I?' Todoroki thought then Midoriya blushed and freaked out. He covered his face with his hands. "Hey Deku, why are you covering your blushing face?" Uraraka asked. "Uhhhh-" "He's just being Midoriya. Blushing for no reason," Ashido said. 'Thanks Ashido,' Midoriya thought to her. 'Better be able to see another kiss for this,' Ashido thought, forgetting Midoriya could read her mind. "A-Ashido!" Midoriya shouted then ran off to his dorm. "Umm. Oops. I could choose something else Midoriya!" She yelled running to Midoriya. Todoroki followed.

"Umm, what?" Uraraka asked. "No clue. Maybe Ashido just thought something?" Tsu said.

Ashido fixed things with Izuku and they went back. "Ok, let's see each other's dorms!" Ashido yelled. They went to Midoriya's first, pasted Bakugo's. "Ok, ummm. Just, never mind," Izuku said opening his door to show everyone. "So, All Might-y," Ashido said. "I think it's... Cool," Uraraka said trying to complement. They then heard loud, kissing sounds. No one could say anything. "Umm. How, why, why me? Why does my dorm have to be next to Kacchan's?" Midoriya asked. "Ummm. Movi-" They heard it louder. "Let's just, go," Midoriya said. They left shocked. "C-can I sleep somewhere else tonight?" Midoriya asked a little freaked out. Todoroki put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder and thought, 'it's ok, you were going to sleep with me wether you liked it or not.'

They went to the next room. Then the next, then the next. They eventually got to Todoroki's room. Todoroki opened the door to his dorm to show what you see in the anime. (There is no more forth wall at this point) "WOW, HOW DID YOU DO THIS IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME?!" Uraraka yelled. "Hard work, and Midoriya helped me when I was getting done," Todoroki answered. "This is still amazing," Uraraka said. They continued and eventually seeing everyone's dorms, except for Mineta's and Bakugo's, obvious reasons. They walked back past Bakugo's room and now, it just sounded wild, and insanely loud. They ran past and went to the lounge. "I'm traumatized now," Midoriya said. "It'll be ok," Todoroki said. "No, I have to walk past there, every day, night, and I have to sleep one wall away, from, that," Midoriya said. "Don't worry, we have One Punch Man to watch," Todoroki reminded. "Oh yeah, forgot about that," Midoriya said. "You two are watching One Punch Man?! I wanna join," Uraraka said. "Sorry, maybe another time," Midoriya said. "Aw, alright," Uraraka said.

'I want to tell him, I want to. But what if he says no,' Uraraka thought. 'She, can not, join our time. Not willing to share him. I can't be shared either,' Todoroki thought. 'Don't worry Todo, she won't,' Midoriya thought to Todoroki. Todoroki smiled and went to his room to set up the One Punch Man. He was disgusted to hear, stuff, walking by Bakugo's door.

After a bit Midoriya went to Todoroki's room after bringing some snacks. He walled in after knocking only to see a creeped out Todoroki. "Hey, what's wrong?" Izuku asked. "They need to stop whatever they're doing. It's disgusting," Shoto said and hugged Izuku. Izuku hugged back. He then remembered what he heard on his way there. He heard moaning. It was gross to hear. "Why are they doing that next to my dorm? Just, kill me," Izuku said. "No one will kill you on my watch Midoriya, you should know that," Shoto said smirking. "You got me there Todo, why are you the best person alive? Never mind that question. I'm just glad I'm dating him," Izuku said then hugged Shoto tightly. "Well I'm dating someone better," Shoto said then kissed him. "I'm dating the cutest human alive, you," Shoto said. "I just, I just, your so adorable, I just wanna snuggle and watch One Punch Man," Izuku said. "Then let's do that," Shoto said in a calm and collected voice. They sat down, laid by each other, held each other, and watched One Punch Man.

Izuku fell asleep for a while when they heard a scream. Sounded like Kaminari. "Want to see what that was about?" Izuku asked tiredly and a little angered. "I'd rather not, but we should. Let's go," Shoto said getting up. Shoto paused the show and went to where the scream was from. They found Kaminari freaking out, there was a bug, and people just watching him freak out. "Really Kaminari? Screaming over a bug?" Todoroki asked. "Yes! I hate them! Please kill it," Kaminari said hiding behind Todoroki and Midoriya. "You woke me up, because your scared of a bug?" Midoriya asked madly. "Y-yes?" Kaminari said a bit scared. Midoriya went and picked up the bug, then threw it at Kaminari. It landed on Kaminari too. Kaminari screamed then swatted it away. Midoriya walked up to Kaminari, picked him up by the collar, and said, "Don't EVER wake me up after an hour of sleeping, got that??" Midoriya said that in such a mad way, and with such a pissed off and scary face, Kaminari was scared of Midoriya, Mid-or-i-ya! Midoriya went back to Todoroki's room and went back to sleep.

"That's new,,," Todoroki said. "T-That was horrific," Kaminari said shaking. "I never thought Deku could be like, Bakugo, but a little better," Uraraka said a little scared. "That was a new side of Midoriya, he gets pissed if you wake him up, with him getting little sleep," Sero said. "Y-yeah," Kaminari said. "I'm going to my dorm now, bye," Todoroki said leaving for his dorm.

He walked in and saw Izuku fast asleep in the bed, so he went and snuggled next to him. Izuku turned and hugged Shoto subconsciously. Shoto was scared that he woke up Izuku, but he didn't. Shoto feel asleep rather quickly.

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