Battles! And the Mall

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Hisashi charged at Todoroki and Izuku. Todoroki send a large glacier to Hisashi. Hisashi breathed fire and melted a tunnel through it. He continued to charge, but while charging he was also breathing fire. Todoroki kept sending ice to distract Hisashi from Izuku about to smash the ice from the top. Izuku was about to jump from the top of a building when fire almost burned his face. Hisashi breathed fire upwards causing that to happen. "HOLY!" Izuku yelled shocked. "YOU OK?!" Todoroki yelled after hearing Izuku yell. "YEAH!" Izuku yelled back.

'This is my chance, Todoroki is distracted,' Hisashi thought then breathed fire at Todoroki. Izuku got down from the building after hearing that thought and used his quirk to get Todoroki out of the way just in time. Izuku remembered how he could win. Remember what he did to Mineta? Yeah. I broke it again, gotta stop that. He read His father's thoughts again after asking Todoroki to cover him. 'That damn kid. I could have finally hurt that kid,' Hisashi thought. 'Numbness in both legs and arms, quirk deactivated,' Izuku thought. Hisashi then fell to the ground and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL?!" "TODOROKI, NOW'S OUR CHANCE!!" Izuku yelled. Todoroki and Izuku began running towards Hisashi to wrap him in capture tape that they were given. When they got there Hisashi had a devil look on his face. "YOU FORGOT ABOUT MY QUIRK!!" Hisashi yelled and then tried to breathe fire. "It's not going to work," Izuku said wrapping his dad in the capture tape.

"MATCH OVER!! TODOROKI AND MIDORIYA WIN," All Might yelled. Izuku read his father's thought again, 'what the hell happened to my quirk?!?' His dad was yelling in his head. 'Unnumb arms and legs, reactivate quirk,' Izuku thought then Hisashi could walk again and stuff again. "Izuku, what the hell happened to my arms and legs, and quirk for that matter?!" Hisashi yelled in massive confusion. "Leave him alone for once," Todoroki said. "No, he's my son," Hisashi said. "I can see straight through people like you, just stop with this act," Todoroki said. "What act?!" Hisashi asked. "You know," Todoroki said getting Izuku away from his dad.

*time skip after school*

"Hey Todoroki, before we go to the mall, could we visit Kirishima?" Midoriya asked with a bright smile on his face. "Sure, why not?" Todoroki said. 'He is so cute, wait, he could be reading my mind now. AND ALL THOSE TIMES BEFORE!! AHHHHH!' Todoroki thought freaking out inside.

They walked to the infirmiry and saw Kirishima awake and Recovery Girl checking him, making sure he was fine through the window in the door. They walked in and Midoriya said, "Hey Kirishima, how are you?" "I'm good, what happened though?" Kirishima asked. "Well, Kacchan was about to Hulk Smash your head into the floor,(pewnie god XD) but I kinda slid under your head. Saving it from a worse injury. My rib broke but I'm good now, and you may have lost memories, before that though, it looked like you guys we're arguing over something and started fighting," Midoriya said. "I also had to hold Bakugo down until Aizawa got there," Todoroki added. "The both of you also get to chose what happens to Bakugo for a punishment," Recovery Girl said.

"Umm, can that be decided when I remember everything?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah," Midoriya said. "Alright also who is Ka-" Someone walked in. It was Bakugo. "O-oh, h-hey K-Kacchan," Midoriya said. "Oh hey, shitty hair's awake. Everyone leave, I need to talk to him," Bakugo said. "A-alright Kacchan," Midoriya said dragging Todoroki out of the room. Recovery girl left the room as well.

"H-hey, I just wanted to say sorry, about what I did," Bakugo said. "Oh ummm, I forgot to ask Midoriya something, are you Kacchan? Or Bakugo? Who are you is what I'm asking," Kirishima said. Those words weighed heavily on Bakugo. "No... That's just what Deku calls me, I'm... I'm... Bakugo. Do you remember me?" Bakugo asked. "No, am I supposed to?" Kirishima asked. These words weighed heavier. "Oh... I'll just, never mind what I said before, bye," Bakugo said. He left the room and passed Izuku. 'What the fuck have I done. He doesn't remember me. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAVE I DONE?!' Bakugo yelled in his thoughts. Midoriya ran back in and saw a confused Kirishima.

"Umm Midoriya, who was that?" He asked. "Ummm, that was Kacchan. Aka Bakugo," Midoriya answered. "I knew him?" Kirishima asked. "Yes, you did," Midoriya said walking up to him.  Midoriya put his mouth by Kirishima's ear and whispered, "you have, err had a crush on him. And, no never mind" "I-I did?" Kirishima asked. "Yes you did," Midoriya said. "Now I feel bad," Kirishima said. "He'll be ok,  just let your memories come back," Todoroki said. "A-alright," Kirishima said. "Hey, would you like to come to the mall with us?" Todoroki asked. "If Recovery Girl let's me," Kirishima said. "You are going to be fine, you'll be going back to school tomorrow," Recovery girl said.

"Lets go then," Midoriya said. Kirishima and Todoroki all went to the mall and looked around. They went to a restaurant and saw Ashido. They went up to her and said hi. "Kirishima! Are you ok? Do you remember everything?" Ashido said giving him a quick hug. "Yeah, I'm fine. But apparently I don't remember a guy named Bakugo? Otherwise I was filled in by Midoriya on what happened," Kirishima answered. "Oh, did you meet the new teacher yet? He helps in All Might's class," Ashido said. "And he's my dad," Midoriya said. "Woah, that's so cool Midoriya," Kirishima said. "No, it's really not," Midoriya said. "What? Why?" Kirishima asked. "A story for another time," Todoroki said.

"Well, shall we sit down and order?" Todoroki asked. 'Todoroki is a really cool friend,' Izuku thought. They were sitting in a booth. Midoriya and Kirishima were sitting next to each other and Todoroki was sitting across from both of them. A waiter came by and asked what they would like from the menu. They asked for their favorite foods and drinks then waited.

The drinks got to them so they were waiting for their food. "Oh, by the way, I'm paying this one," Todoroki said. "Oh, are you sure Todoroki?" Midoriya asked with his cute face. "Yeah, I'm sure," Todoroki said and then thought, 'why is Midoriya so cute? It's like someone turned a puppy into a human, and then made it cuter.' Midoriya began to laugh at that. "What's so funny Midoriya?" Kirishima asked. "Ok, that, was the best thing I've ever read from Todoroki's mind," Midoriya said still laughing. "What did you think Todoroki?" Kirishima asked. "Pfft, let Midoriya tell you, I just realized he read, that, from my mind," Todoroki answered laughing a little. "He, he, he, he said I'm like if someone turned a puppy into a human, but made it cuter," (Propz to who understand reference)Midoriya said and continued to laugh. "Pfft, that's the best thing I've heard since I woke up," Kirishima said begining to laugh.

Ashido walked up to them to ask what all the laughing was about, then saw Todoroki of all people laughing. "Hey guys, what's so funny over here?" She asked. "Well, well well, I read something funny from Todoroki's mind and it was great," Midoriya said calming down. "What did he think?" She asked. "No, no one else needs to know," Todoroki said. "Awww but I wanna know," She said. "No," Todoroki said smiling. "Awww, ok. Tell me another time," She said walking away.

"Well, to be fair, what Todoroki said is true, you are like someone turned a puppy into a human," Kirishima said. "If you two think so then," Midoriya said.

They got their food, and ate. Todoroki paid and they went to other shops. They eventually finished at the mall and went home.

Midoriya walked in and heard yelling. "IZUKU?! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" It was his dad. "With my friends," Izuku answered.

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