Getting to Know Friends

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Izuku woke up the next morning, got ready for school, ate breakfast, said bye to his mom, then began walking to school.

He got to school and walked into his classroom. Bakugo yelling at a red haired guy and Iida and Uraraka talking. He walked over to his desk and sat down. Bakugo then yelled, "Oh, great, stupid Deku is here! Now the day just got worst!" "Hey, don't be so mean to him! What did he ever do to you?" Uraraka asked. "I don't know, it's just funny to make fun of a worthless Deku!" Bakugo yelled. "He's not worthless. He's much less worthless than you!" Uraraka shouted and instant regret filled her. Bakugo was about to use his quirk to explode her face but Midoriya got up and blocked his attack, the attack hit Midoriya's back. He yelled in pain. Bakugo then attacked Deku again and almost a third time but yellow haired guy touched Bakugo and sent electric volts through him. Bakugo was suddenly unable to move and just stood there with a SHOCKED expression on his face. (Pun obviously intended)

"Are you ok Uraraka?" Izuku asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, but are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah, like I said yesterday, he's done worse," "Alright, if you say so," Someone with red and white hair, a scar around his right eye, and two different colored eyes walked up to Midoriya. He used one of his quirks, ice, to cool the burn. 'Burns are never good,' he thought.

Aizawa walked into class of see a stunned Bakugo, Midoriya with burns on his back, and the red and white haired boy applying ice to his back. "What happened here?!" He yelled with about angry tone. "Bakugo happened," The red, spiky haired boy said. "Oh I see, Midoriya go see recovery girl then come back, I'll explain what we're doing then," Aizawa said.

Izuku went to recovery girl, got healed then came back to class.

"Alright, we'll be doing something with All Might today. Get your hero outfits on and meet outside," Aizawa said. They all did that.

Now they were outside with all might. "Alright were doing a villain v heros type scenario, some of you will be villains and some will be hero's, the hero's goal is to either capture the villains, or obtain the weapon in fifteen minutes. The villain's goal is to capture the heros. Half of you will draw names to see who your partner is," All might said. People drew names, Iida and Bakugo were a team, and Uraraka and Midoriya were a team. And they were battling each other. Team Bakugo as villains and team Midoriya as heros.

They did the thing, Midoriya was injured and ye, you know how this goes. Crap I break the forth wall a lot huh? Fun.

They went to lunch and Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya sat together. "Hey, let's play a bonding game, we take turns asking questions and everyone has to answer the question, even the asker," Uraraka said. "Alright, you go first Uraraka," Deku said.

"Alright, hmm. Do you live with both if your parents? I do," Uraraka asked. "Yes I do," Iida said. "Only my mom, dads over seas or something. I was never really told," Deku said. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Uraraka said. "It's fine. It's not a sensitive subject what so ever. It would be if I had a connection with him though, a good one anyway,he scares me more then Kacchan," Deku said. "Iida you asked next," Uraraka said.

"Alright. Favorite food?" Iida asked. "Katsudon," Izuku said almost immediately. "Mines beef stew," Iida said. "Too hard to decide," Uraraka said.

"Ok, how about Birthday? Mines July 15th," Deku said. "August 22," Iida said. "December 27," Uraraka said. (All birthdays conon)

The bell rang and they went to their next class.

*time skip end of the day*

They got a lot of english homework so Deku said, "how about I ask my mom if you two can come over. We could do our homework together and if one of us doesn't understand something, one of the others could help them." "Sure Deku," Uraraka said. "Alright," Iida said.

Deku got his phone out and texted his mom.

Izuku: hey mom, could my new friends come over do to homework?

Inko: yeah, I don't see why not

Izuku: thanks so much mom, we'll be there soon

Inko: alright, see you soon. Love ya

Izuku: love ya too, bye

Izuku put his phone away and said, "yeah, my mom has no problem with it." "Alright, I called my parents and they said it was ok," Uraraka said. "Same here," Iida said.

They began walking to Izuku's house and they got there. Izuku walked in and said, "hey mom, I'm home." "Welcome home Izuku, how was your day?" "It was good, mom. These are friends Tenya Iida, and Ochaco Uraraka," Izuku said. "It's nice to meet both of you," Inko Midoriya said. "It's great to meet you too," Uraraka said with a bright smile. "Nice to meet you too Mrs Midoriya," Iida said. "Alright, we'll be in my room doing homework," Izuku said leading his friends to his room. "Alright," Inko said.

"Ok, prepare yourselves. I'm a fanboy. Just, don't judge me," Izuku said to his friends with embarrassment. They walked in and say a bunch of all might stuff. "Oh my," Uraraka said. 'So this is what he ment by fanboy,' Uraraka thought. Iida had no thoughts. "Alright, let's begin our homework," Iida said.

They began and eventually finished their homework. Uraraka and Iida went home after saying bye to their friend and friend's mom.

Izuku went to sleep after eating dinner.

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