What Happened?

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Izuku woke up. He took off his bandages thinking he could power through the pain. He left early so he wouldn't have to deal with his dad.

Izuku walked into class 1A, wearing his spare uniform, and went to his seat. Todoroki came and said, "so, how was, dealing with your dad?" "Uhhh, how do I explain this. Ummm," "It's ok, you don't have to tell me," Todoroki said. "Were you hurt at all?" Todoroki asked. "N-no," Midoriya said. "Hmm, ok. If you say so," Todoroki said. Deku looked at him with his huge, glimmering, emerald colored eyes. 'Why, the fuck, is he so adorable? - I give up with my mind, it'll think what it does now,' Todoroki thought. Midoriya blushed a little. 'Can he be mine? I'll call him squishy and he'll be mine,' Todoroki thought. Midoriya giggled a little. 'So, this is what it's like to be killed with cuteness,' Todoroki thought.

"So, let's go over to my seat," Todoroki said grabbing Izuku's right arm, the one with the burn. "GYA!" Izuku yelped in pain. He then covered his mouth and looked at Todoroki. He had white eyes and said, "you lied." He then pulled Izuku's sleeve up carefully.

A few classmates were watching. When they saw the burn the gasped. Todoroki quickly put his right and on Midoriya's arm then activated his quirk. (His ice quirk) "Midoriya, what happened?!" Someone yelled.

Uraraka came in and saw Todoroki putting ice on Deku's arm, and people being worried. "What happe-" She saw it, the burn. "Deku! Are you ok?! What happened?!" Uraraka yelled. "Round face, what the hell you ye- well shit, Deku is dead, isn't he?" Bakugo said walking in.

"What does that mean?" Todoroki asked. "I shouldn't say," Bakugo said. Todoroki just gave him a death stare and said, "we should get you to recovery girl." "Y-yeah," Midoriya said.

The two of them walked to recovery girl's office, Todoroki's right hand, with the ice, still on Midoriya's arm. They entered and were greeted by recovery girl. "He's burned, badly," Todoroki said showing her. Midoriya winched in pain with that move. Recovery girl came over to examine it. "I could heal it, it would be extremely painful though, and it'd scar," Recovery Girl said seriously. "A-alright, healing it would be best," Midoriya said.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, I'm sure," Midoriya said. "Alright, you'll want to be on that bed, you'll also have to take off your jacket layer of your uniform," Recovery girl said. Midoriya did that and Recovery Girl used her quirk. Midoriya felt the pain recovery girl was talking about and covered his mouth with his left hand, to muffle the yells of pain. Midoriya also began to wiggle and jolt around in the pain. After a few more minutes of this, the pain stopped and Midoriya was left with a scar.

"Will you be ok?" Todoroki asked. He knew that Hisashi did this and decided to not let him near his son. "Yeah, we should get back to class," Midoriya said.

The two left back for class. They entered the same time as Aizawa. Aizawa started class.

*lunch time*

Todoroki and Midoriya sat by each other, soon to be joined by some of the class. "Hey Midoriya, how did you get burned?" Kaminari asked. "I'd rather not say," Midoriya said. "Come on, you can tell us," Jiro said in a convincing voice. "O-" "He doesn't have to tell you if he doesn't want to," Todoroki said. "Well why not?" Kaminari asked. "Because it's probably personal," Todoroki answered. "Alright then, I guess we'll leave you alone," Jiro said dragging Kaminari away.

"Th-thanks for that Todoroki," Midoriya said. "No problem," Todoroki answered. Uraraka and Iida joined them. "Deku, can I know what caused that burn? Please?" Uraraka asked. "N-not y-yet, ok?" Midoriya said. "Oh, alright then," Uraraka said. Todoroki was watching them talk then thought, 'Midoriya's hair looks soft, and fluffy.' Lunch went on and someone else walked up to them.

Hisashi, it was Hisashi. He was going to talk to Izuku went Todoroki got in between them. "No, stay away from him," Todoroki said giving Hisashi a death glare. "Why? I didn't do anything," Hisashi said lying. "Look, I'm not and idiot-" "YES YOU ARE ICY HOT!!" Bakugo interrupted. "Why can't he just shut up, anyway. I'm not an idiot. I know people like you from far away," Todoroki continued. 'This kid is the next one I burn,' Hisashi thought. "No he is not," Izuku had enough. "What do you mean?" Hisashi asked. "You know," Izuku said. "No I don't," Hisashi said. "When you know my quirk you'll know," Izuku said.

Hisashi was left confused then walked away. Todoroki sat down. "Todoroki, what was that about?" Uraraka asked. "You'll understand when you know," Todoroki said.

The bell rang and Todoroki stayed by Midoriya, to protect from Hisashi. Y'all know how this goes by no- yep, love breaking the forth wall don't I. I must be like Bakugo or something. They were walking to class when Izuku got a text.


M: hi Izuku, are you ok? From yesterday?

I: yeah, I'm find, gotta get to class though, bye.

Izuku put his phone away and went into class. He saw his dad, All Might and most of his class. Todoroki walked in in front of him. He was staying in between Izuku and Hisashi. Midoriya is getting shier and shier, cracking and cracking. He is slowly breaking with the appearance of his dad. His dad's thoughts are just that horrible.

'Oh, it's just my stupid son and his stupid friend, when can I kill them?' Hisashi thought and Izuku heard it. (You read what I put in the description right? Any thoughts shown Izuku reads, unless I specifically put that in the story)

Izuku twitched. "Hey, you ok?" Todoroki asked. "No, his thoughts are crazy. I don't understand," Izuku said. "It'll be ok, let's go to the mall or something after school," Todoroki suggested. "S-sure," Izuku said.

"Alright, today you will be put into teams, and fight either me, or Fire Dragon," All Might said. (Look just go with fire dragon as the hero name of hisashi, deal) All Might drew names. Todoroki and Midoriya are a team. And they're fighting Hisashi. And they're fighting first.

They were fighting in a arena like in the entrance exam. "Ready, BEGIN!!" All Might shouted.

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