What Happened?

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Midoriya and Todoroki woke up, got dressed, and went down to eat breakfast. "Morning," Midoriya said. "M-Morning Midoriya," Kirishima said. "What did tired me do??" Midoriya asked. "Look at the group chat," Kaminari said. Midoriya was looking attend group chat with Todoroki. "Is it possible to scare yourself?" Midoriya asked. "Yep, I'm sure Mineta does it everytime he looks in a mirror," Todoroki said. "Well, I scared myself, why would you two scare Todoroki???" Midoriya asked. "Cause I'd be funny," Kirk said playing the video on the new TV Bakugo bought. After it finished Midoriya said, "what the hell do I do when I'm tired?" "That," Mineta said. "Soo, why are you guys so mean to me??" Mineta asked. "Your a pervert, and you express it like it's something to be proud of showing," Todoroki said.

*time skip class*

Todoroki and Midoriya talked until class started about the prank they were going to pull. How it was going to go and bla. Aizawa walked in and started class.


"Hey Todo, should we get anyone to join in on our plan?" Midoriya asked. "Nah, we can handle this," Todoroki said. Todoroki got a text from his sister Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: hey, how's living at the dorms?

Shoto: Bakugo decided to scare the shit out a me last night. We watched the Conjuring

Fuyumi: don't watch horror movies, that one I've seen and it's terrifying. what did he do anyway

Shoto: he grabbed my foot while I was sleeping. Forgot to lock my dorm

Fuyumi: well then, sounds, 'fun'

Shoto: it's cool tho, me and my boyfriend are ganna get him back

Fuyumi: ?!?

Shoto: damn it. Uhhhgggggg now ya know, I'm gay

Fuyumi: cool, as long as ur boyfriend is Midoriya that's cool then

Shoto: how did you know???

Fuyumi: magic

Shoto: it's scary when you wake him up for no good reason, or when he's tired and you make him mad..

Fuyumi: why?

Shoto: uhhgg, that's a long story. Bakugo kept waking him up so he eventually threw him on the ground, even threatened him. Midoriya is normally afraid to even look at Bakugo

Fuyumi: sounds fun,

Shoto: bye, gtg

"Your sister?" Midoriya asked. "Yeah, I told her about what Bakugo did, I'm 200% sure she laughed," Todoroki said. "Ha, sounds like her," Midoriya said. "Heh, she knows by the way," Todoroki said. Bakugo decided to show the video of Todoroki being scared. It began with the intro and Todoroki burnt the projector and yelled, "NOPE!" "Kacchan, why are you so mean?" Midoriya asked. "Because I can!" Bakugo yelled. "Bakubro, the class was already showed, don't show the rest of the school," Kirishima said.

*time skiiiippppp*

Todoroki and Midoriya were planning the prank on Bakugo. They worked out what and how things would play out. They then prepared costumes and face paint.

It was now night and it was go time. They got Uraraka to help with it too. Uraraka touched Deku who was in a pretty convincing demon ghost costume. Deku began floating and floated on Bakugo's dresser. Uraraka released and Deku landed on the dresser. Bakugo's alarm went off for an unknown reason to him, woke up and saw what he thought was a ghost or karma coming for him. Deku launched himself onto Bakugo tackling him. Bakugo yelled in fear and confusion. Kirishima and Shoji came out of their dorms to see Uraraka and Todoroki dying on laughter outside Bakugo's dorm. "What's going on??" Kirishima asked. "Revenge," Todoroki managed to say pointing in Bakugo's dorm.

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