Bloody Hell, and What Caused It

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Hisashi ran up to Izuku and punched him in the face, flinging Izuku into the door. "NOW TELL ME WHAT YOUR QUIRK IS!! I HAVE TO KNOW THIS AS YOUR FATHER!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY QUIRK TODAY TOO?!" He yelled. "I-I-I, no," Izuku said. "No what?!?" He yelled. "I, don't know," Izuku answered. Hisashi grabbed his son by his arm and breathes fire to his back. Izuku yelled in pain. Hisashi then punched it. It began to bleed. "AHHHHHHH" Izuku let out a blood curdling scream. "What is your quirk?!?" He yelled. Izuku could only yell and cry in pain. "St-s-stop," Izuku was finally able to say after a bit. "Tell me then," Hisashi said and punched Izuku's burn again. Izuku yelled in pain again. "I-I can't...," Izuku said. Hisashi then slapped the burn and Izuku screamed. (His mom was out of the house working)

"Tell me and this will be over," "You, don't, want, to, know,' Izuku said weakly. Hisashi did something he's never done before. He used his nails and scratched the burn. Izuku screamed in pain before passing out.

Hisashi wrapped the wound and put him to bed.

*the next day in the morning at school*

Midoriya walked in and went to sit down. His back was in unimaginable pain. He sat down and after a minute or so Todoroki walked in and came up to him. "Hey, did anything happen after the mall yesterday?" He asked. "Surprisingly not," Izuku lied. "Ok, promise me your not lying," Todoroki said. Izuku stayed silent. "Midoriya? Did you hear me?" He asked. "Oh, yeah, I promise," Izuku said.

Kirishima walked in and everyone welcomed him back while still being a little mad at Bakugo.

*time skip All Might's class*

Izuku walked in hesitantly and sat down. Todoroki walked in behind him. Everyone else got to class and it looked like it was only Hisashi. "Today, All Mights not here. So you will be facing each other in fights," Hisashi said.

*time skip to after they got their gym uniform on*

People were fighting against each other. Izuku was fighting Jiro next. The match finished and now was their turn.

They began with Jiro sending sound waves into the ground, breaking it. Some rocks flew up from the ground. A few medium sized rocks hit Midoriya's back and he yelled in pain. Jiro, Todoroki, and a few others went to see what's going on. Todoroki was the first to notice blood seeping through Izuku's gym uniform. He took Izuku's shirt off and saw blood from a burn and scratches, seeping through the bandages. Todoroki's face went from worry to complete anger, this scared the people near him.

"What did you do? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Todoroki yelled about to run at Hisashi. He was stopped by Bakugo and Kirishima holding him down. Just bearly though. Todoroki was struggling to get free without hurting them. Todoroki's left hand was free and so he sent fire at Hisashi. It didn't touch him. "Woah, what is making Todoroki freak out this much. He's normally a chill guy," Kaminari said. "LET ME GO BAKUGO AND KIRISHIMA!! HE NEEDS TO PAY FOR DOING THAT TO MIDORIYA!!!" Todoroki yelled. "Doing what? Did, did Midoriya's dad do what I think he did? Did he cause that to-" Kirishima was saying. "YES!! NOW LET ME AT HIM!!" he yelled. "... I can't do that Todoroki, we need to help Midoriya," Kirishima said.

Yaoyorozu ran to get Midnight and Recovery girl. She got there and back as soon as possible.

They arrived and Recovery Girl rushed to Midoriya. She quickly healed him and he yelled in pain. He eventually passed out.

Midnight went to Todoroki. "DAMN ICY HOT!! CALM DOWN!!" Bakugo yelled. In that moment Kirishima remembered everything about Bakugo. "NO, NOT UNTI- until-" Todoroki then fell asleep due to Midnight's quirk. Bakugo and Kirishima held their breaths.

"Now, someone explain to me what happened!" Midnight yelled. "I'm not sure. After seeing Midoriya hurt as bad as he is, I guess made Todoroki really mad and he wanted to attack Fire Dragon?" Jiro said. "Yeah, Todoroki was yelling something about he needs to pay for something?" Kaminari said.

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