Friends Fight Too

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*time skip, lunch. I'm lazy*

Midoriya walked over to Kirishima and Bakugo. "Hi," Midoriya said. "H-hey Midoriya," Kirishima said. "Stupid Deku," Bakugo said. Midoriya began to think about what he read earlier. "Oh god, that was the best thing I've ever read from a mind," Midoriya said. "What is?" Uraraka asked walking up to him. "Nothing," Midoriya answered. "If it's the best thing you've read from a mind, it's something, spill," Uraraka pushed while her eyes lit up. "Nope, I've been sworn to secrecy," Midoriya said. "Oh, fine," She answered giving up. Before Midoriya's every answer Bakugo and Kirishima were glaring at him. 'Chose your words carefully Midoriya/Deku' Bakugo and Kirishima both thought to him.

'Stupid Deku, if you weren't born I wouldn't be dealing with you' Bakugo thought. "K-kacchan, that hurts," Midoriya said then ran to the bathroom with tears in his eyes. Uraraka ran after him and grabbed Iida. "Bakugo, what did you think," Kirishima demanded to know. "Uh, I didn't think he was reading my mind," Bakugo answered. "BAKUGO, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT!!" Kirishima bursted out yelling. Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at them. "WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU?!" Bakugo yelled back in anger. "I NEED TO KNOW WHAT MIDORIYA READ FROM YOUR MIND!!" Kirishima yelled back. "HE'S JUST A WORTHLESS DEKU!!!" Bakugo yelled. "WHY AM I EVEN YOUR FRIEND?!? YOUR ALWAYS SO MEAN TO EVERYONE WHEN IT'S NOT NEEDED!!!" Kirishima yelled back. "MAYBE EVERYONE SHOULD STOP BEING USELESS THEN!!!" Bakugo yelled. That last sentence triggered something in Kirishima. Kirishima walked up to Bakugo, then punch him in the face. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Bakugo yelled at his friend. "YOU THINK YOUR THE BEST AT EVERYTHING!! YOUR NOT! YOU SUCK AT TEAMWORK, COMFORTING PEOPLE, AND BEING NICE TO ANYONE!!! SO STOP THINKING YOUR THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!" Kirishima snapped completely at Bakugo. "PEOPLE JUST NEED TO ACCEPT MY LEVEL OF COMFORTING!!!" Bakugo yelled back punching Kirishima in the face but Kirishima used his hardening quirk so all it did was send him falling back a bit.

"Guys, calm down before someone says something they'll regret," Yaoyorozu said. "SHUT IT PONY TAIL!!" Bakugo yelled.


While that argument was going on Iida was trying to get Midoriya out of the bathroom.

"Come on Midoriya, come out," Iida said in a comforting way. "Iida, I hear yelling," Uraraka said from the outside of the bathroom. 'Come on Deku, I'm sure he didn't mean what ever he thought,' Uraraka thought. "Your wrong. He thought something that he's never thought before. He basically wished I was never born in the first place," Midoriya said. "HE DID WHAT?!" Uraraka yelled. "How unthoughtful. He's such a horrible person," Iida said. "He's so mean, he's even told me to jump off a roof," Midoriya whispered. Iida still heard that though. "He what? He said that? I thought even Bakugo wouldn't stoop so low but now," Iida said. 'Bakugo is so horrible. How can he be nice one second then be such a horrible human the rest of the time?' Iida thought. "Because he's Kacchan," Midoriya said. 'I forgot he could read minds,' Iida thought. "Yeah you did," Midoriya said. "Dang it," Iida said. "Hehehe," Midoriya began giggling. "Ahh see, your happy, come on, let's go back to the cafeteria, everything will be ok," Iida said. "I hope your right," Midoriya said coming out.

"Deku!" Uraraka almost shouted and hugged him. "You ok?" She asked after she broke the hug. "Yes and no," Midoriya said. "What's that mean?" Uraraka asked. "It means I am and am not ok at the same time," Midoriya said. "Alright, let's go to the cafeteria," Iida said.

They walked into the cafeteria and heard yelling, loud yelling. "WELL THEY WON'T!!! SO YOU NEED TO ADAPT YOURSELF TO THEM!! IF YOU CAN'T!! THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!" Krishima yelled harshly at Bakugo. Bakugo was now holding Kirishima by his colour. "What's going on?" Midoriya asked Iida and Uraraka. "Looks like a fight between Kirishima and Bakugo," Iida said. "Did I cause this?" Midoriya asked. "I'm sure your not the cause," Uraraka said.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT, WHAT?!" Bakugo yelled. "YOU'LL BE LONELY ALL YOUR LIFE!! SULKING IN YOUR OWN PAIN!! IF YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE THIS!!" Kirishima yelled and instantly regretted it. Bakugo just looked down. "L-l-look man, I didn't mean it," Kirishima said disappointed in himself.

Bakugo then picked Kirishima up all the way, and slammed him against the floor like hulk to Lokie,(Pewnie god), but only once. But when Kirishima's head almost hit the floor, Midoriya began to run and slide under Kirishima's head causing less damage to his head. But now Midoriya's rib was broken. They were both knocked out. "MIDORIYA, KIRISHIMA!!" Most of their class yelled.

Iida, Uraraka, and other people in class 1A went to get Kirishima and Midoriya to Recovery Girl. Others like Todoroki were holding Bakugo down.

(Where were the teachers?? Idk they just weren't in the cafeteria for some reason.)

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