Kidnapped and After It

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When the lights came on, the room was a mess. Ashido said, "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Midoriya was still knocked out. "Is anyone hurt?" Iida asked. "Midoriy-" Midoriya groaned in pain. "W-what, happened?" Midoriya asked then remembered. "WHERE'S TODOROKI?!?!" He yelled forgetting the pain in his leg. "Great question, where is h-" *ding* Midoriya's phone notifications went off. He picked his phone up and looked. His dad sent a picture.

It was a picture of Todoroki tied to a chair, bloody and knocked out. Midoriya freaked out, like panic attack freak out. Tsu and Uraraka came in to see that. "Midoriya, breathe, calm down breat-" Midoriya could no longer hear Iida. Everything was fading.  Bakugo went up and slapped Midoriya, this brought Midoriya back and he gave his attention to Bakugo. "DEKU! Calm down! He'll come back, so shut it!" Bakugo yelled in Midoriya's face. "No, you would be freaking out if he took Kirishima too!!" Bakugo yelled. Back. "HE?! DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?!" Bakugo yelled. Midoriya showed Bakugo the text from his dad before the power went out. "I'M GOING TO GET TODOROKI BACK!!" Midoriya yelled running out the door.

Aizawa came in to see if everyone was alright. He passed by Midoriya and Kirishima yelled. "STOP MIDORIYA!" Aizawa rapped his scarf around Midoriya stopping him. "What's going on?" Aizawa asked. "I'm going to get Todoroki back!!" Midoriya yelled. "Back? From where?" Aizawa asked. "From Deku's father," Bakugo said. Aizawa flung Midoriya back inside and Midoriya tried to leave again. He was stopped. "MIDORIYA! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE HE I-" *ding* another text. Midoriya checked his phone and it looked like his dad sent his location on accident.  "Now I do," Midoriya said the there was another next.

It was a picture of Hisashi putting a knife to the unconscious Todoroki's neck. He began running but he was still being held by Aizawa's scarf. Midoriya broke it and sprinted to the location. He got another picture sent. It was of a knife in Todoroki's leg. He got a burst of energy and made it to the location and just walked in. 'Stop,  walk to the police station and turn yourselves in,' Midoriya thought to the league of villains. They did so. He walked in the room with Todoroki and Hisashi. Hisashi had a knife put up against Todoroki's neck and was about to cut when Midoriya thought, 'stop. Fall. And die.' Hisashi fell and 'died'. "What happened? Is someone there? Who fell?" Todoroki asked, he couldn't see, he was blindfolded. Midoriya went and hugged Todoroki, then took the billfold off. "It's me," Midoriya said. Hisashi got up and held a knife against his son's neck. "My plan worked," He said. Todoroki's eyes  widened. 'If you kill him, I'll kill you and then myself,' Todoroki thought. Hisashi then put a knife to Todoroki's neck too. Midoriya's eyes went white and used his mind quirk. 'DIE!!' Midoriya thought and Hisashi fell dead this time. Midoriya's eyes went to normal. Midoriya untied Todoroki and hugged him. He then realized the pain he was in and yelled holding his head. Aizawa and other pro hero's came in. Aizawa went to Midoriya and got paramedics. Some paramedics went to Midoriya and others went to Todoroki and Hisashi. Hisashi was dead.

Some of Midoriya's class came in and froze. "Holy shit, what happened?" Bakugo asked. Midoriya yelled in pain. He tried to get up but it only cause his body to burn. Midoriya's quirk was reacting to the command on Hisashi and was now hurting him. 'Stop, stop. STOP!' Midoriya thought. Midoriya was red now. The commands we're countering each other. 'AHHHHHHH, FINE LIVE!!' Midoriya commanded to Hisashi he then woke up with a jolt. 'PARALYZE!' Midoriya thought to him. Midoriya was still in pain. He tried to kill someone with his quirk and if that causes the person to die, then the user goes through 24 hours of burning pain. Todoroki got bandaged before going to Midoriya, he tried to go earlier to Midoriya but the paramedics pinned him down. He used his ice quirk on Midoriya. He cooled down a litter but not much, the ice melted though.

*time skip dorms*

Midoriya was in his room with Todoroki next to him holding his hand. Midoriya calmed down and the pain was lesser and lesser every hour. "You'll be ok Midoriya, I'm here," Todoroki said and Midoriya grunted in pain. Todoroki cooled his whole room with ice. Todoroki kissed Midoriya's head. Midoriya with a jolt of energy grabbed Todoroki's head and smashed their lips together. They stopped and just looked at each other. "I-I'll be ok, I-it just hurts," Midoriya said. "I-I know, I'll always love you," Todoroki said.

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