4 | When BTS Visits a Fairground Part 2

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Beigedecore: And I bring you Part TWO~ ^^


Jungkook whimpered.

He wasn't ready for this.

Next to him, Taehyung smiled innocently. "What is it, Jimin? Don't worry, the aliens won't attack us here~ They're afraid of roller coasters!"

"I am too- " he cut himself off with a yelp when the coaster turned a corner and whimpered again.

Taehyung stared for a moment with his adorable alien look, and then his entire expression morphed. He leaned over and draped one arm over Jimin's shoulder.

Jungkook snapped out of his fearful daze when he felt a warm arm on his shoulder and soft lips brushing his ear. 

"You have bigger things to worry about then a roller coaster, baby girl," Taehyung murmured sexily. He nipped the younger's earlobe. "Like me."

Jungkook shivered and stared at his hung with wide eyes and red cheeks, but before he could respond, the roller coaster, which, he realised, had been on a steep incline, suddenly hurtled down.

He grabbed Taehyung's shirt reflexively, and the older smirked. "Oh, you want me that bad?"

Jungkook's blush increased. Adrenaline pumped his veins. He was terrified. The roller coaster was hurtling down at lightning speed and his hyung was making sexual overtures. The adrenaline pumping through his veins magnified everything, every sensation, and he vibrated in his seat with his emotions.

Taehyung smirked, and then took Jungkook's chin. The screaming of the other people riding the roller coaster faded out and all that was left was the wind and the glorious sensation of his lips on the younger's.

The friction sent sparks down Jungkook's spine and ignited fireworks in his head. The adrenaline-fuelled kiss intensified.

The older bit on the younger's lip hard, eliciting a whimper. He was going to crazy, and suddenly he wanted to discover all of the sounds Jungkook could make. Running his tongue over the younger's bottom lip, he smirked into the kiss. Jungkook released a moan, his mouth opening.

Jungkook gasped at the unfamiliar feeling of someone's tongue in his mouth. He moaned again when Taehyung brushed his tongue with his own...

... Meanwhile, Jimin was clutching Yoongi's arm. The mint-haired young man stared unreadably at the younger, shrugged, and let him stay there. It was cold with the air rushing past and the sun setting anyway, and the younger was warm.

At the front, Jin was screaming his lungs out and Namjoon was wincing and trying to calm him down. Finally, he gave up and grabbed the other by his shirt and slammed their lips together in a messy kiss.

The older stopped screaming and moaned. When they ran out of oxygen, they leaned back and stared at each other. And then the roller coaster ripped around another corner and Jin started screaming again.

This dynamic was normal... okay, minus the kissing. That was unexpected.

But really, can't a person just kiss without interruptions like high-speed roller coasters?


Beigedecore: So, that was Part Two~ How was it~? I don't think I'm that good at kissing scenes~...

Yoongi: Whatever. Vote, comment and follow...

Beigedecore: You're so COLD and MEAN!!

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