11 | BTS In The Office

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Beigedecore: Minna, konbanwa~~!!! I have my new one-shot right here - or maybe a two-shot~? Ne, who knows~ It's based on memes and other writers' stuff. The behaviours and scenarios that are original are the ones for Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook~

Yoongi: Yah! Why don't you use your brain to think up original things for me too!?

Beigedecore: How much do you like swaeeggg~?

Yoongi: Deal.


Jimin, the newly employed secretary, walked through the company building with the documents in hand. 'Where do I go with these again?'

"I CAME IN LIKE A WREEECKING BALL!" someone screamed.

Jimin jumped and stared at the alien looking person barreling towards him. "I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE! ALL I WANTED WAS TO BREEEEAK YOUR WALLS! ALL YOU'VE EVER DONE IS BREAK ME! YEAH, YOU WRECK ME!!!"

He hurtled almost right into Jimin, who yelped and dove out of the way, spilling his papers in the process. His head whipped around to follow the destructive trajectory of the alien boy, and he watched with wide eyes as the screaming person bear-hugged a black-haired rabbit-like boy from behind with the force of... 

A wrecking ball. 

Jimin sighed.

The rabbit boy shrieked and panicked, writhing in distress while the alien hugged him. "You're so adORaBLe!" the alien boy cooed.

A hand appeared in front of Jimin's face. "Are you alright?"

The shocked secretary looked up. "Uhh... sort of... I mean, yeah, I am."

The person in front of him chuckled brightly. "Don't worry about them. Taehyung is always like that."

Jimin blinked wordlessly and accepted the other's hand. They collected his dropped papers quickly and put them in order.

"Thank you..."

"Just call me Hoseok-hyung."

Jimin bowed profusely. "Alright!"

Hoseok chuckled. "So where do you need to take these papers?"

"The finance department head. The team organiser also said that's where I work..." Jimin answered.

Hoseok gave him a pitying look. "Here, I'll show you where they go."

Jimin smiled. "So what's with those two?"

"Taehyung's in love with Jungkook," Hoseok answered as he led Jimin to the lifts, glancing back at the two. Jimin followed his gaze and saw Taehyung staring at Jungkook, who was slowly inching away from the other with a wary gaze.


The lifts in front of them dinged open and they got in. 

Jimin glanced at Hoseok. He was curious about the two from before. It was like he'd met them in another universe or a different life... Nonetheless, he couldn't restrain his curiosity. "Did they know each other before this?"

"Yes, they knew each other in high school. Taehyung was in my grade and Jungkook was in the grade below. Taehyung's been in love with Jungkook since he first saw him," Hoseok laughed with a reminiscent look on his face. His eyes clouded. "I wish Jungkook wouldn't let his fear of his parents' reactions ruin their relationship..."

Jimin's brow furrowed. "You mean his parents are against gay people?"

Hoseok nodded, and the lift stopped at their level. "Well, here we are!" he announced cheerfully. "Welcome to the Finance and Safety Department!"

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