14 | Lazer Force Time!! Part 4

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Beigedecore: And here's the last bit~

Yoongi: I hate you.

Beigedecore: There's no Lazer Force?

Yoongi: ... I still hate you...

Beigedecore: *Cries*


Yoongi stared at Jimin intensely, but before the older could do anything, he and the awkward, jamless cute person were swept along by the other members to the van again. They got in tiredly, and the atmospheres on the way back to the dorms were very different to before. 

Hoseok slept in the middle seats, tired out by the action and keeping Taehyung and Jungkook in line, while Taehyung and Jungkook leaned on each other and went to sleep. Namjoon smiled at Jin and Jin at Namjoon, and they talked quietly in the front.

In the back, it was also very different compared to the drive to Lazer Force. Yoongi stared at Jimin unwaveringly, while he stared away with a studiously blank expression, which ruined by his blush. Yoongi smirked and ghosted his hand over the other's thighs and arms occasionally, enjoying the younger's shivers.

The younger still looked away though.

That frustrated Yoongi.

So, he touched the younger's thigh a bit more, no longer just faintly brushing it. Jimin's shiver was so visible that Yoongi grinned. It wasn't that innocent gummy grin. It was a wicked, possessive one.

Jimin blushed harder and tried very much not to react, shifting in his seat. Yoongi grinned. This was fun.


As soon as they got into the dorms, everyone went to the bedrooms to get some rest, no questions asked.

Jimin and Yoongi were left standing in the kitchen.

Of course, the younger was momentarily distracted by the nearness of his longed-for jams, but that was quickly stopped by Yoongi, who shoved him into the bench and pressed up against him, eyes so dark that Jimin thought they were black.

Jimin stared back, his brain going fuzzy and uncommunicative at the full frontal combat. The Lazer Force battle might have ended, but their battle had only just started. 

Yoongi grinned, and like that, the calm before the storm was over. The storm had arrived.

Suddenly, Jimin found it very hard to breathe. His heart beat faster than Yoongi's speediest raps and his mind was completely trashed at that point. He could only think a few words before they were drowned by Yoongi's lips, by the volts of electricity that invaded his body, coming from every single place Yoongi touched and every small shift in his weight.

The older pressed closer to him than before and bit Jimin's lip hard. The younger gasped and gasped again when Yoongi's tongue forced into his mouth and swept every corner. A moan, previously suppressed, was pulled up from his throat.

Suddenly, a loud squeak came from behind them, and they separated. Jimin just looked anywhere except the voice's direction, while Yoongi turned around in annoyance.

 "U-uh, s-sorry!" the innocent (ish) Jungkook gasped. "I-I'll go..."

The atmosphere from before was completely ruined, but perhaps it was for the better of their fledgling relationship. Yoongi turned back around to look at Jungkook, who hadn't moved even a hair's width away from, his dark gaze promising more in the future.

Jimin blushed and hid his face, realising a lot of things. Like Yoongi's feelings for him. The last day flooded into his mind, and days and weeks and months before that. 'Yoongi...'

"Did you make it?"

"Naughty naughty. Stay here and wait for your hyung."


"Jimin, you stupid, stupid jamless person! Pay attention! You could have been shot!"

"I know, but this place makes me feel adrenaline rushes. Everything is so real, and for a moment, I thought..."

Jimin looked up at his hyung.

Maybe not hyung.


The other stared back and murmured, "Jimin..."

Their lips met in a gentler kiss, Jimin's bruised lips and Yoongi's soft ones meeting again. This was bliss. This was happiness.

Taehyung snapped a picture and grinned happily.


Yoongi: Fine, I don't hate you.

Beigedecore: *Speechless*

Yoongi: What?

Beigedecore: *Starts crying tears of joy*

Yoongi: Stop crying, pabo.

Beigedecore: *Continues crying*

Yoongi: Ugh. Vote comment and follow.

Beigedecore: *Still crying*

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