12 | BTS Using Grammarly

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Beigedecore: Hello again~ Here's the next scene~! I swear I'm not doing it because I have grammarly~

Yoongi: You do.

Beigedecore: ShhhsSHSHHhhh~~

Yoongi: *Rolls eyes*


"Hey! Guys!" Hoseok rushed into the library study room yelling.

His friends all looked up. 

"What is it, Hoseok?" Jin responded patiently.

Hoseok brandished his laptop at his friends. "I found this thing called Grammarly, and I thought you could all really use it," he explained. "It edits your writing as you go and does plagiarism checks and all that."

The other members drew closer.


The next day, the seven friends sat in the study room again, doing their work. Hoseok typed his English essay calmly and watched his friends from the corner of his eyes.

"Joonie! How do I change the language?" Jin asked. He had no idea what he was doing.

"I don't know. I haven't used this before," Namjoon answered. "Wait on..."

"JOooniieee!" Jin grumbled.


Hoseok chuckled at his fellow seniors. The laid-back, destructive Namjoon and the high strung fashion fanboy Jin didn't really get along at first, but now they get on like an old married couple. Hoseok thought it was sort of funny.

He glanced at his other friends...

Meanwhile, Taehyung was typing his psychology essay. Jungkook leaned over to him and watched him, his head resting on Taehyung's shoulder.

The older wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, but Jungkook's breath was warm and shiver-inducing on his neck, and he was suddenly realising a lot of things about Jungkook...

Beside them, Jimin watched Yoongi sleep on his keyboard. 'Should I wake him? He did say he has homework due tomorrow...'

He shook his senior gently. "Hyung. Hyung, wake up," he murmured in his ear so that he didn't disturb everyone else.

Yoongi suddenly awoke, his head turning in his arm pillow to face him. "What?"

Jimin leaned back. "You said you have homework to do by tomorrow..."

The mint haired senior shrugged and groaned, sitting up slowly...

It just so happened that Jimin had been rocking on his chair. Yoongi's chair leg moved when he pulled in his chair, and Jimin's fell down with an otherworldly dramatic emphasis.

There was a loud thump, and everyone's heads snapped around to look where Jimin had been. Jimin groaned from the floor. "I'm alright..."

"Are you sure about that?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ye- Owwwwww, I pulled a muscle!" Jimin moaned in pain. 'Namjoon!'

Namjoon shook his head and turned back to Jin. Yoongi reluctantly used his energy to help Jimin up, and they once more began their homework.

Just a minute into beginning his homework, Yoongi, leaned back. "There."

"What?" Jimin asked.

"'Swaeg'. Added to the dictionary."

Jimin facepalmed.


Hoseok smiled. Introducing his friends to a good editing tool had been a success. Namjoon hadn't managed to break it-

"Joonie! How did you add every single letter of the alphabet to the dictionary?"

"I don't know! It just happened..."

Sort of.

But Jungkook hadn't somehow ended up with way too much physical contact with Taehyun-


"Yes, Taehyung?

Okay, so Jungkook was using his seductive voice, had dropped all honorifics and was almost kissing Taehyung's neck, but at least Yoongi was awa-



Oh, Yoongi was awake. Okay, good.

And it was a good thing Yoongi and Jimin hadn't ended up-

Oh, wait, nevermind. Jimin somehow fell out of his chair and brought Yoongi with him. And Yoongi then fell asleep on top of Jimin.

Nevermind. Chaos as usual.


Beigedecore: There~ It's a cute little one-shot this time~

Hoseok: Grammarly, huh? Sounds useful!

Beigedecore: Yep, it's pretty useful~ This isn't advertising by the way!!

Hoseok: Hahaha! Vote, comment and follow!

Beigedecore: Yup- wait you stole it!

Hoseok: *Smiles innocently*

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