6 | Yoongi and Kumamon Every Day

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Beigedecore: Hey~ This is another adowwable oneshot~! Muuuuuu~

Yoongi: *Rolls eyes*


Yoongi really, really liked Kumamon. A lot.


A lot.

As he usually did every night, he got into his bed, grabbed Kumamon from its place on top of his pillow and curled up into the blankets. 

He went to bed early every night in the hopes that he could fall asleep before his ears were assaulted by the sound of Namjoon's snoring. The leader always left his bedroom door open, and Hoseok always went around making sure the others didn't overheat and or freeze in their dorms. Because it was summer, Hoseok always opened everyone's doors and windows.

You really don't want to hear what Namjoon's snoring sounds like when you're trying to sleep.

Yoongi needed his sleep.

So, he hugged Kumamon close to him and closed his eyes, and before he knew it, he was asleep...


"Wow, so cute..."

"Yep, manager, he's always..."

"I wasn't aware that he slept with a Kumamon plu..."

Yoongi groaned.

The whispering stopped.

Thankful that the irritation of the whispering had stopped, he closed his eyes, going back to sleep again.


At 1pm the next day - his day off - he woke up and sauntered down to the kitchen, Kumamon plush toy in hand. There, Jin and Ho Seok were bustling around, cooking up something while giving wary glances to Namjoon.

Yoongi couldn't fathom why Namjoon found it so hard to cook. It wasn't like it was that challenging. You could create some reasonable stuff if you were careful to use ovens and microwaves properly (among other kitchen utensils). Not that Namjoon couldn't set fire to something. Whether he tried to or not, someone's kitchen always bit the dust.

Jin, Ho Seok and Namjoon turned to him and then turned back around again, Jin realising a little squeak and Ho Seok beaming.

He knew they were trying not to coo and say 'Awwwwwww~ SO ADORABLE!' (Jin), 'Haha, you're so small,' (Namjoon) and, 'OHHH MY GOSHHHH SO CUUUTEEE!!!" (Ho Seok). Yoongi was sleepy, not stupid.

So he sauntered up to the fridge, grabbed the milk out - ignoring Jin and Ho Seok's cooing - and poured himself some milk.

Namjoon grinned at the three in amusement and walked out.

Yoongi glared after him.

The so-called RM had just left him alone with two cooing, annoying people.


It was his day off, he reasoned, so he should be able to sit on the couch with Kumamon and stare off into the distance.

So why were Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin trying to make him play computer games!?

He glared at them.

They stared back.

"Pleeeeeease, hyung," Jimin whined.

He didn't respond, merely hugging his Kumamon closer. Stupid maknae and his stupid cute sexiness...


Dinner time came around, and everyone was at the table.

"Yoongi, you can't have Kumamon at the table," Ho Seok said. "It'll get dirty."

The mint-haired rapper glared. "I'm older than you."

Ho Seok banged his head on the table and then sprung up cheerfully. "Yes, but do you want Kumamon to get dirty and have to be washed? C'monnnnn..." he pouted.

Sighing, Yoongi stared at his Kumamon. 'I'm sorry, Kumamon...'

He mournfully placed Kumamon on the (clean) kitchen counter and then went back to the dining table.

The rest of dinner was spent sulking about the temporary loss of his Kumamon. On his day off, no less.


Afterwards, they quickly gathered in his lounge room, Yoongi with his Kumamon. 

"Oh, yeah. Manager-nim visited earlier," Namjoon began. "We have a full schedule for a week starting tomorrow."

Everyone except Jin, who had already heard, groaned.

"Whyyyyy?" Jimin groaned, falling back onto a sofa. "I thought we would start it slowly after our rest..."

Namjoon agreed. "... But we are BTS, we have responsibilities. Imagine, if we stopped suddenly, how many people would feel sad..."

Tuning out as Namjoon went into 'philosophical mode', Yoongi patted Kumamon. 'We'll get to sleep soon...' he thought.

That night, hugging Kumamon to him, he went to sleep quickly.


Beigedecore: Uwaaaa~ I have that sort of bond with my plush toy too (well, I don't know if Yoongi actually likes Kumamon super a lot, but who knows, ne~?)~ Mine's a kawaii brown and white patch kitty doll with blue eyes and adorableness in abundance!!! Muuuuuuu~

Yoongi: *Rolls eyes* Calm down, beigedecore.

Beigedecore: Mu~ You're so mean! *Pout*

Yoongi: Vote, comment and follow Kumamon.

Beigedecore: Whaaaaat? Why not me~?

Yoongi: Cos Kumamon's better.

Beigedecore: *Crying*

BTS Oneshots // THESE ARE JAMSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ