13 | Lazer Force Time!! Part 3

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Beigedecore: Heyyyy~ And no we'll get into the action~

Yoongi: Ugh. Whyyyy...

Jin: Stop being disrespectful and participate, you old grandpa!

Yoongi: ...

Jin: I mean it, Yoongi.

Yoongi: Fine...


They crowded into the room, and before anyone could say anything, Jin grabbed seven blue vests and threw them at the others ("OW!" "Jin!" "What was that for!?" "Ugh... fuck you..." "The pain!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH"). The other seven people stared at them for a moment and then looked away politely.

They also might possibly have looked away because of Yoongi's sleepy death stare.

Hey, it's pretty scary.

A minute later, the staff member that led them there put on a cheesy video where a man with a military accent gave them their 'mission briefing' and told them not to run, jump or climb in the arena ("battlefield").

When it finished, the seven members struck dramatic poses and evil-eyed the other team. The other team seemed to be somewhere between laughing and shivering in fear.

Then, they went into the arena one after the other, using the count they had to find a covered spot and make a plan.

The real battle had begun.


2 minutes later...


"NOOOOO! JUNGKOOK!!!!" Taehyung screamed tragically when the younger's suit darkened. He threw himself on the younger and sobbed tragically while someone from the other team camped them, the almost deafening sound effects and action music making everything except the guns shooting and Taehyung's screaming hard to hear.

Hoseok heard and made his way over, deadpanning at what he saw. He shot the other guy and dragged Taehyung and Jungkook off. The guy who had been camping just stared in confusion at the sudden and strange departure of his enemies.

Soon, they were hiding in a corner which had a couple of walls with holes in them. Hoseok had spotted a good place to stay put and snipe from that was easily defensible, and he was in the process of getting them there.

Suddenly, Namjoon swept in with the others and assumed the position of 'commander' like he'd been born for it. "Hoseok, we've got a game plan," he said immediately. "You take Yoonmi- Yoongi and that jamless kid over there." He pointed down the hallway to the left where there was a desk that was perfect cover and even more perfect for sniping. Jimin was blushing and looking ready to burst into tears and simultaneously murder Namjoon.

"The rest of us will stay here and hold the position. Jin," he turned to the other and suddenly became all emotional. "Don't do anything heroic, okay?"

Like a cheesy film, Namjoon caressed Jin's face, and they gazed at each other stereotypically while Yoongi spoiled it by making a face in the background.

Namjoon pulled away and glowered at Yoongi, and then dragged Jimin to two windows they could snipe from. The rest of them snickered and split up to follow their orders.


"Jungkook, two coming up the hallway and one sniping from the south side," Taehyung reported seriously. He seemed to have transformed to some other personality and had since named their side of the arena the north side and the other the south.

Jungkook nodded and narrowed his eyes. He peeked around the corner of the desk, and once he'd located the sniper, swapped his laser gun to the other side and aimed. A moment later, the glow in the distance disappeared. He ducked back and smiled happily at his success.

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