8 | BTS goes to an Ice-cream Store

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Beigedecore: Ieeeeeiii~ Time for ice-cream!

Jimin, Jin and Taehyung: I scream, you scream, we scream for ICE CREAMMMMMM!!!!!

Beigedecore: Lollo~


BTS walked into the ice cream parlour. After getting permission from Manager-nim, they were ready to stuff themselves. All of them stared around, their eyes alighting on the menu board.

"So many choices!" Jin beamed. "I want chocolate and vanilla and rocky road and mint and caramel and..."

The others tuned Jin out, except for Namjoon, who stared at his crush with a horrified but enamoured look on his face. How could one person eat so much ice cream? Or want to eat so much ice cream?

Jimin grinned happily and whispered to the cashier, "Jam ice cream, please."

Suddenly, Namjoon came up behind Jimin. "If he just asked for anything with jam, don't give it to him. He's allergic," Namjoon lied and glared at Jimin. 'You won't get any jams if I have a say in it, Jimin...'

While Jimin let out a tragic wail and started sobbing, Taehyung bounded up to the counter. "I want peanut butter, mint, strawberry and lavender ice cream, please! With a side of potato wedges!"

The cashier stared at Taehyung, and then his friends, and finally said, "We don't, uh, we don't sell potato wedges here..."

Taehyung scowled. "You don't sell potato wedges? Ice cream shops should always sell potato wedges! Tell, you at least have tomato sauce, right!?"

The cashier's eyes darted around. "Uh..."

While Taehyung screamed at the cashier, Jungkook looked over all the options. 'Maybe vanilla... or chocolate... Oh! Honeycomb ice cream? Mmmm..."

He straightened to approach the cashier and then suddenly remembered...

He didn't know the cashier.

Stranger danger.

He froze and looked for one of his friends. He didn't want to go near Taehyung right now... Namjoon was too busy staring at Jin with awe... Jin hadn't stopped listing all the flavours he was going to order... Jimin was crying tragically about something (probably jam-related)... Yoongi was half asleep...

So that left Hoseok.

He rushed to Hoseok and hid behind him.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was staring at the rest of his friends. It was chaos.

Sighing, he assumed his 'mother of the dormitory' role. Jin often did cleaning and cooking, so everyone assumed he was the mother of the BTS dorms, but it was really Hoseok.

So, he sat Jungkook down in a quiet corner, told him not to talk to strangers and come to him if they did anything weird, and then went about sorting out all the other members.

He dragged Yoongi over to a corner with Jungkook, who eyed the older with wariness, and then eyed Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung.

Now, who to sort out first...

Taehyung was too angry, so Hoseok would approach him last. Jimin was crying tragically, and Hoseok felt his heart twist, but...

Namjoon would protest if he was dragged away, but if Hoseok could get Jin to the table Jungkook and Yoongi were at, Namjoon would follow.

It was two birds with one stone.

Two love birds with one stone.

He walked over to Jin. "Come on, Jin. I'll take everyone's orders, you just go to that table over there." He pointed to where two of the members were already sitting.

BTS Oneshots // THESE ARE JAMSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora