17 | Back Hugs!

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Beigedecore: Yay~ I'm doing some little scenes with the cute ships and hugs! Kawaii~ (I know it's Japanese~ *pout*)

Yoongi: *Rolls eyes* As long Jimin and I are together...

Beigedecore: Awwwwwww~


A certain BTS member was once more on a noble quest for the Lost Jams of Jimin, and it was going good so far. He had made it to the target location without being spotted by the enemy and the target was in sight.

He looked over at the jams on the shelf. Strawberry flavour - the best kind.

His head turned to check his back, and, reassured no one was there, he took his first step into the kitchen.

However, his approach was halted obstructed by none other than...

"Now what might you be doing, hm?" a voice whispered right in his ear. 

... Yoongi.

Warms arms wrapped around him, one on his waist and one around his shoulders, pinning him to the person. To Yoongi.

He shivered in the older's grip. "H-hyung...?"

"You think we would let you have jams?"

He pouted. "B-but why... Why can't I have jams?" (beigedecore: That is the question, is it not~?)

He felt Yoongi's smirk on his neck. "That's for me to know and you not to find out."

Before Jimin could protest, Yoongi pressed a kiss to his neck. The thoughts of jams fled JImin's head as he melted into the older's arms.


Jungkook watched Taehyung digging around in the cupboard for a computer game. "Black Ops?" Taehyung offered.

"No," Jungkook smirked.


"Not really..." the slightly deceptive bunny said, standing up.

"Assassins Creed Unity?"

"No..." the younger took a step forward.

"Farcry 3?"

"No way," Jungkook answered. He took another step.

Taehyung grabbed another thing from the cupboard and examined it. "Battlefield 4?"

Jungkook stopped right behind Taehyung and reached around to turn the disc case as if he couldn't see it. He grinned at Taehyung shiver. "Battlefield 4?" he chuckled lowly. "What about a different battlefield?" he said, removing the game from his hyung's hands. Not that he was treating Taehyung like a hyung.

"Y-you mean Battlefield 3?"

Jungkook released the disc. 

Taehyung watched. The weight of realisation and the buoyancy of something he couldn't quite place freed his mind suddenly, as the disk fell, slow-motion, into the pile of other games in the cupboard with a clatter. 

He bathed in the sensation of the younger's arms wrapping around him gently and his head coming to rest on his shoulders. His own arms rose to grasp Jungkook's forearms lightly and his head tilted to the side, leaning on the other's, a shy smile on his face.

Nothing more than hugs went on, but they breathed together and grinned together, trading a look.

All was right between them.

And Jungkook was a fluffy bunny after all.

They were silent for a moment. "You know, Jungkookie, this isn't much of a battlefield..."

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