10 | Lazer Force Time!! Part 2

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Beigedecore: Aaaand here's Part 2~

Yoongi: *Being forced to stand up and not grab Kumamon (which is right in front of him) by Jin*

Jin: *Glaring sternly at Yoongi*


Once they had migrated out the door just in time, they crammed into the company van they used to get around. After a small riot which was quickly stopped by Jin's glare and Yoongi's scariness, Yoongi had claimed the two seats right at the back from himself and Jimin (where he wouldn't be deprived of sleep by the more boisterous members of BTS), Namjoon and Jin were in the front seats (Namjoon wasn't driving, of course) and the three members left were in the three seats in the middle of the van.

And then they were off.

If you thought that the van ride was calm and quiet, then you would be very wrong. Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok were playing on their phones in the middle and shouting loudly, while an awkward air of sexual tension had conquered the front seats. In the back, Yoongi had fallen asleep on Jimin's shoulder, and Jimin had frozen stock still because the older's lips were unconsciously resting on his collarbone.

Okay, it was intentional. 

Very intentional.

Yoongi was enjoying the younger's embarrassment. It excited him in a way he wouldn't say to anyone except the jamless boy beside him.

When they pulled up to the Lazer Force building, they puppy dog piled out of the parked van and went inside. The person at the counter stared at the group when they approached, wondering why he felt a pit of dread in his stomach.

Hoseok glanced at the group and then walked up to the counter with Namjoon quickly catching up. While they organised the Lazer Force games, the other five, left to their own devices, were already causing chaos.



When you think of chaos and BTS, you tend to think of them at an ice cream shop or a similar place, but...

You weren't thinking right this time.

Instead, Jin was playing with a couple of children who were too young to go in, while Taehyung was mucking around with a group of slightly older children that didn't want to play. Jungkook stood there shyly and tried not to run away from the friendly mother that was talking to him, while Yoongi was hugging Jimin while they sat on a couch and glaring at anyone who came too close.

When Namjoon and Hoseok turned around from the counter, they shared a look and sighed.


Ten minutes later...


They had finally gathered all of the members together in one place and had only two minutes until their game started. Hoseok herded his friends together again they followed the employee that lead them down a dark hallway.

It was time...

For battle.


Beigedecore: Ya! I'm done now~

Yoongi: It's short and stupid.

Beigedecore: *Pout* You only say that cause you're dissatisfied with yourself...

Yoongi: I have high self-esteem *Rolls eyes*

Beigedecore: *Pouts more* You mean arrogance!

Yoongi: You should feel thankful that I encourage readers to vote, comment and follow.

Beigedecore: *Pouts a lot*

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