Hard to get.

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I had just got out the shower, (thank god the room I'm in has a bathroom inside it and a walk in closet) and my phone was ringing. I wrapped my towel around my and went into the room and answered it. I put it on speaker and got dressed.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey girl. I'm a set you up on a date" Tasia said as if it was that simple.

"Tasia Cromwell. No!" I said. I put on my pink crop top and my black, high waisted booty shorts. I threw on some black Jordan's and sat down on my bed.

"Yes Ariel! You need somebody to take yo mind off ole boy!" she said.

"I'm not sure about all that.",I said.

"I am. So you going on the date. What you got on?" she asked.

"Black crop top, black booty shorts, and black Jordan's" I said.

"You and all this damn black. You bet not be turning into a vampire! Like I said yea. Just out on some damn apple bottom jeans and a jacket. You'll be good." she said.

"Alright fine. Wait! The date is tonight!?" I asked.

"Likke yeaaa!" she cooed.

"Oh okay fine. It's 8:00 now. I have to be back by ten or spend the night at your house." I said.

"Girl Drake is such a stickler is his ass gave you a curfew. That's bullshit." Tasia complained.

"I know. But I'm about to finished getting dressed. What time the date start?" I asked.

",Half an hour. I'll pick you up girl"

"Alright bye Ta" I said.

"Bye Ari" we hung up and I got my clothes out.

I put on my high waisted stretch jeans and my jean jacket. I grabbed my house key and my phone and put it in my pocket. I let my hair be free because it's naturally curly.

I left and went outside. Tasia was out there waiting. I got in the car with her and she drive me to Lubys. I walked in and saw Mamoon. He looked good. He smiled and walked over to me. I gave him a hug.

He was warm and smelled really good. We sat at a table in the back and started to talk. He was nice the last time I saw him, and I'm wondering why he never called me.

"So why you never called me,? You had my number"I said. I needed answers.

"I had business to take care of," he said. I gave him an understanding look. "I came to yo job though. You wasn't there." he said.

"I had to move. My mom and I got kicked out the house due to financial difficulties." I said

"That's messed up. Where y'all live at now?" he asked.

"I live with my sister and her boyfriend and my mom lives with some nigga" I said.

"What?. She just left you like that?" he asked frowning.

"Yea. Enough about me. What about you." I asked.

"I gets money and I'm about to get you," he said giving me a sexy smirk.

"Umm... maybe you will get me. I'm hard to get" I said returning his smirk.

"Smart ass" he said with a grin. I giggled and our food came.

We started eating and talking. He is mysterious as hell. He is also funny and makes me laugh. He almost made me choke on my iced tea.

When we were leaving the restaurant, he offered me a ride home.

"You want a ride bae?" he asked.

It's too soon for that bae shit. I'm a have to check his ass on that.

"Um no. I'll just call Tasia. And please don't call me bae. It's too soon." I said.

"Sorry Ariel" he said smiling.

"That's better" I said smiling back at him.

I tried calling Tasia twice. She didn't answer so I left a message each time. What the fuck bro!? I gotta be home soon!,

"Well I guess I will be taking that ride after all" I said smiling.

"Great." we both got in his car and he started driving. He was driving fast as hell and running red light's.

"Ummm... can you slow down?, And stop running lights." I said. I was scared as hell.

"Calm down bitch! I know how to fuckin drive! Sit yo fat ass back and fuckin relax!" he yelled at me.

I was shocked and scared. I started losing my breath. I was shaking and crying. He gon kill us.

He finally pulled up. He looked at where we were, then back at me. I quickly got out the car and started running to the house before he had the chance to say anything to me.

The next thing I knew, I heard bullets. I ducked down behind a bush as bullets rang and the windows in Drake house was shot off. I knew it was Mamoon shooting. He sped off and I stood up. Drake ran outside. He saw me and even more fear came over me.

This is way too much for one person to take in. I felt dizzy as hell. I looked down at my arm to see blood and a bullet hole. I didn't even feel the pain. I was too shocked. I screamed and fell to the floor. I started to shiver uncontrollably.

Oh my God I'm dying. Nooo I wasn't Readdyyy!

"Dr...Drake pl...please help m...me" I cried as he ran over to me to help me up.

The last thing I saw was his worried expression. I blacked out. OMG I'm dead! Nooo I don't want to be dead!


I woke up slowly. The room was bright. Mom, Aretha, and Drake were there. Tasia ran in and hugged me.

"Oh my god you awake! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't gave tried to set you up on that date. I should have answered my phone! Oh my god you could have died because of me!" she cried.

"Tasia shut up I'm okay. I need to go home. This bed not comfortable. My back hurt" I said.

"Okay. I'll go get ya clothes girl" she said.

Tasia ran out and Aretha walked over. She touched my arm and pressed down on my wound. I winced in pain.

"Move Aretha god damn! Can you not give it a fucking rest for a moment damn!" I yelled. I don't know why my voice got so raspy and deep.

"Whatever Bitch!" she said before storming out.

"Whatever doodie head bitch!" I yelled after her.

"What the fuck did you do Ari?" Drake said.

"I went out on a date with a guy. Tasia wouldn't pick up her phone, so I got a ride from him. He was driving real fast and when I told him to stop, he cussed me out and called me out my name. He was real disrespectful. We got home and he looked at the house weird, but I got out the car before he could say anything else to me. I was running to the house when o heard gun shots so I ducked. I must have gotten hit while I was running." I said

"That's crazy fam. What was the nigga name?" he asked starting to get mad.

"Mamoon" I said.

He didn't say nothing. He just got up and ran out.

"He about to kill that lil boy" my mom spoke. I'm still mad with her, so I ignored her.

Tasia finally came back with my clothes and I got dressed. She lead me out the hospital and to her car.

"Girl I'm so sorry. You staying with me tonight." she said.

"Okay" I mumbled. I then dozed off in the car.

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