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Drake POV

I got a call from Day'Tona. She snitched like a mafucka. Good. I always knew she didn't really like Aretha.

I gotta move across town. Gotta get away from here. This would go so much quicker is Ariel slow waddling ass would hurry up.

"Ariel hurry up! Damn I swear you move in sloooowww motiiooonnn" I joked as she carried her last bag to the car slowly.

"I'm pregnant shut up" she said with a half smile.

I jumped in the car. I drove to a nice place called Atlanta Georgia. I heard they got some good fried chicken down here. Me and bae gon eat some when we get settled.

I drove for five hours before I finally got to where I wanted to be. We pulled up to the new house and got out. I told Ariel to take her slow ass in the house while I get the stuff. She nodded and waddled in there like a lil penguin. So cute.

I finished unloading the stuff and she unpacked. It took her and I three hours to unpack all the shit. We brought a lot of shit! Man I'm tired.

We was hungry even though we had ate in the car. I swear she gon make me fat cause she be having me eat tons of food. She cooks four times a day. Like who needs to eat that


Ariel POV

I sat on the couch rubbing my big belly while Drake ordered some chicken. My birthday is coming up. He doesn't know because I never told him when my birthday was.

"Ooh." I groaned. I sometimes get pains in my abdomen. It's just one of the side effects.

Drake looked over at my wincing face and came over to me and held me. The doctor had said the baby is going to be a big one. Mostly cause his daddy is 6'4 and he gon be tall too. That's why I look like I'm ready to pop even though I'm only seven months.

Drake rubbed my belly, soothing me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He turned my face and kissed me on the lips. The kiss was a passionate one.

"We safe you know. I got my boys handling that nigga. And yo momma knows about James. She gon get him." Drake said.

"I know babe. I just hope she gets to him quick. I'm gonna get home sick." I said.

Right now, I was feeling nauseated. I got up and ran/waddled to the bathroom and started throwing up. I threw up for a good five minutes. Drake came in to check on me.

I washed my mouth out and washed my face and hands. I flushed the toilet and walked into the bedroom to take a nap.

Drake POV

The chicken had came and I had to wake Ariel so she could eat. She was sleepin like a baby. I looked at her and smiled.

I shook her and she didn't wake up. She be trying to stay sleep. She doing that on purpose. I know how to wake her up. I climbed in bed and put my hands in her panties.

I rubbed her clit slowly in circular motions. I moaned and gasped. I kissed her and went faster. She started moving and arching her back. I stuck two fingers in and she let out a loud moan. I fingered her and she started shaking a little bit. That means she trying not to scream.

I sat her on top of me and slid Drake Jr. up in her. Her eyes flew open and she started moving back and forth. I groaned at her tightness. Man I love this girl. She got that million dollar.

She leaned forward and bounced her big ass up and down. I smacked each cheek. She giggled and moaned as I tore it up from underneath her. We went at it for a good ten minutes. she kept squirting to I had to just cum cause she couldn't take no more. I laughed and carried her to the shower. We showered together and then ate. Damn ATL do got good chicken.

We decided to watch a movie in the room because it was night time. Man the day went by fast. We fell asleep in each others arms.


Drake and Ariel are gone. That means they not dead. If he can't find them, he gon come after me. Momma know about James. She knows I told him to rape Ariel. She gon kill me and him.

This is because Day'Tona backstabbing, snitching, ugly ass, but I'm gon get her. I grabbed my ax and walked up behind her. She was putting on her panties after a nigga she fucked just left. The minute she rose up, I swung the ax.

I opened my eyes to see her head wasn't on her body. It was on the floor. Blood was everywhere. Her body lay lifeless and headless. Stupid bitch.

When you fuck with Aretha, death is an option, and she was just foul enough to get it. I started chopping her up even more. Arms, head, and neck go in one bag. Legs go together in the other. Torso goes in another.

I out the body parts away and cleaned up the blood. When there was no more, I went out and out the parts in the trash can across the street. It's somebody else trash, but they won't know who did it.

I went back in the house and washed my hands and took a shower. I cooked me some dinner and ate. I was slightly satisfied. Now all I had to do was lay low. That would be easy.

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