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Drake POV

I been seeing Aretha true colors more and more since I left Ariel house last week. I love Ariel. I think I'm in love with her. The funny thing is, I can see her being the mother of my children, and she is about to be as a matter of fact.

Aretha stay over Day'Tona house. What the fuck do they do all day? I noticed Aretha ass getting bigger. It was already fat as fuck, but now it's too big. It's also hard and shit. Something ain't right.

Aretha on the phone with Day'Tona. I decided to be a nosey mothafucka. I went and eavesdropped on Aretha conversation.

"Yea girl. He think I'm using that money to pay his workers. Haha he stupid as hell. His workers mad as hell. I been using you as an excuse. He don't know I'm really going and getting my hair, nails, ass, titties done with that money. Yes girl. He think he got one but I know he doing something. Fucking with my head.", I can't believe this shit!

Now she done messed up! I walked up in there and she got quiet. I acted as if I didn't notice and started looking for my shoes.

"Okay girl. I'll be there in a minute. Bye bish" she said before hanging up. "I'm going.."

"Over Day'Tona house I know.", I said.

She nodded and left. I closed the bedroom door and locked it. I started looking around the room going through everything. I found her panties and bras. She don't wear nothing but things.

Time for revenge. I took some itching powder and mixed it with hot water. I dipped all her thongs in and let them soak. I waited a good ten minutes, then took them out. I hung them up to dry in my special room I use to make crack. The panties will be dry in an hour or two. Until then, I'm going to go pay my homies. I know Aretha won't be home until 8 or 9.

I got up and got $50,000. I put it in a suit case and drove to my trap. All my worker here today. They always be at this main trap for meetings on Thursday.

I walked in and called a meeting. I got the money they got from selling and mixed it in with the money I brought. In all, there was $200,000 here that I had to split 50 ways. I gave everybody they $4,000. They was happy and so was I.

I went in the back and grabbed my suitcase. It held $20,000. I put that in the car and went back in the trap. I heard some things about one of Mamoon boys wanting to come back for revenge. I would have that taken care of soon. I ain't have nothing to worry about.

I got in my car and drove home. Three hours had passed and I know the panties dry now. I took them down and put them back where they belong. I laughed hard just thinking about what was going to happen.

I called Ariel. She answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" she sounded like her mouth was full.

"Yea. I got some money for you" I said.

"I don't need it. You gave me $4,000 the last time. I still have money saved. I'll be fine for about a year or two if I stop working" she said with a slight chuckle.

"Nah bae. I want you to use that money to decorate yo new apartment when you move into it. Buy you and the baby some stuff. I don't even want you working while you pregnant bae." I said.

"Don't worry about it Drake. I'll be fine." Look I'll call you later. My break is over" she said before hanging up. I swear her guard stay up.

I took a quick nap and was woke by Aretha opening and closing the door some hours later. She looked tired yet happy. She went and took a shower and came back and started kissing on me. Mind you I'm still mad at her gold digging ass so she not getting no dick tonight.

"No move. I'm not in the mood." I said pushing her off me.

"Why you gotta be mean?" she said before getting up and putting on her thong. I had to hold back my laughter.

She stood brushing her long hair for a while, then she started shifting around and squeezing her butt cheeks together. She started picking at the thong string and moving around. I berried my face in the pillow and laughed so hard. I was shaking.

"Aaah my ass!" she screamed. I was dying laughing at her stupid ass. "What the fuck I know I washed my ass why it itch?" she said as she shifted around and stuff.

I quickly left the room and went to the guest room and burst out laughing. "Hahahahahaha!" I laughed out loud.

I walked back into our room too see her scooting her ass on the floor and I broke down rolling on the floor laughing. She looked so stupid. She is stupid.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! You scooting like a dog bro! Hahahahahaha!" I was rolling. I had tears in my eyes because I was laughing so hard.

"Nigga shut up! My ass itch!" she said as she stood up rubbing her ass. "I got carpet burn. Sss ow!" she winced. I laughed even harder.

"I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight" I said before walking out and going to the guest room. I need to get away from itchy Mcscratchyass. Hahaha! Stupid bitch. Wanna play a nigga. That's why she itchin.

hey all


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