Momma Bear

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Momma POV

James doesn't know I know about him. I'm going to kill him. He just getting in from work and he half drunk. I smirked and went to cook dinner.

He just doesn't know it's going to be his last meal. He sat on the couch and passed out. I smiled. Just what I needed.

I decided to cook mashed potatoes. I put butter, baking soda, rat poisoning powder, and salt. I mixed it up quick. I made fried chicken. I seasoned it with salt, pepper, seasoning salt, flower, and rat poisoning. It's only right that I kill this rat.

I made lemonade. I out rat poisoning in that. I stirred and made his plate and made him a glass of lemonade and took it to him. He smiled at the sight and started eating. Stupid nigga.

I out all the rest of the food and the pots it was cooked in into the trash. I poured the lemonade out and put the container it was made in in the trash. I walked back in to see him still eating. He'll be dead within the next hour.

I walked into the room and packed eight bags. I left and he didn't even notice. I checked into a hotel. I then left and went to Aretha house. I knocked and she opened the door. I looked at her. Her evilness is starting to look evident on her face.

I lifted my gun and shot her right in the head. I walked away like nothing happened and went to my hotel room.

Ariel POV

It's been two months that we've been in ATL. I'm so big now that it looks unreal. I'm having a girl. She's going to look just like her daddy.

Right now I'm in the hospital because my water broke and I'm having contractions. Drake is beside me holding my hand. Shit these contractions hurt.

We waited 9 hours. They took me to the room and told me to start pushing. I did. To say it hurt is an understatement. There is only one word to describe giving birth. Purefuckingtorture. Pretend that's not three words and out them fucks together.

"Push!" the doctor yelled.

"Aaaaaaaah!" I pushed one good time and then I heard crying.

I watched as they cleaned the baby and handed her to me. I smiled at what I saw. She looked just like me. Drake smiled and picked her up.

She was now quiet. She gonna be a daddy's baby. I smiled at the thought. I soon fell asleep.

Drake POV

Ariel was asleep and the baby was wide awake and crying. I walked over and she started to hush up. I smiled. She daddy's baby.

I watched as she fell asleep slowly. I walked back over to Ariel and rubbed her face. They took the after birth out while she was sleep. She doesn't need to endure anymore pain.

She doesn't know I know her birthday is in two weeks. Of course I'm going to get her a bunch if shit. That's what I do. I love this girl with everything in me.

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