Chapter 24

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Lauren's P.O.V

I felt my heart stop. There was a lot of tears streaming down her face. I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. I had been arguing with Chris previously and didn't even notice when she came in till I heard her fragile voice calling out to me. I looked at Chris and gave him a look. He nodded and left the room while I walked to my precious babygirl who still had tears running down her face. I keeled down to her level and gently grabbed her face. I made her look up at me and I wiped her tears away.
"Baby look at me. Don't cry okay? everything is gonna be okay, nothing is gonna happen you hear me? I will have to die before Ruby can touch or even look at you. Todo va estar bien mi amor." I told her.
( Everything is gonna be okay my love)
"Me lo prometes?" she asked me.
(Do yo promise me?)
"Te lo prometo." I replied to her as I placed a kiss on her forehead.
(I promise you)
I just held her in my arms as she slowly started to fall asleep. I heard footsteps and saw the door opening. It revealed Diego (your dad) who had a concerned look on his face. I slowly stood up with a sleeping girl in my arms. I nodded at him and went to my room to leave (Y/N) there. I could here yelling as I walked away. I honestly don't know what to do. I need to find the mole first of all. Secondly I need to get to Ruby. I know me hurting Madison wasn't going to affect her in any way. She would just laugh it off but that wasn't the point. I just really need to get this whole mole situation under control.

Ruby's P.O.V
I sat on the balcony of my home in Japan. This is the house I would bring my little kitten out to. Lauren would never even think to look here she would go to my country of Australia. I heard the door to my room open and footsteps coming towards me. She sat on my lap and pulled me in for a kiss. She moaned once I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She pulled away from me and smiled as I just smirked at her. Once I got my kitten I would throw this girl away. She's just a rat anyways.


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