13. Dangerous Game.

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Two weeks later, Clarke put on her most believable smile as she walked through the corridors of the hospital. She loved working in the ER. It kept her mind busy. Clarke never had time to sit and think when she working in the emergency room, someone always needed her help. She didn't mind though.

As she turned towards the locker room, she spotted Octavia waiting for her.

"O? What are you doing here?" Clarke asked.

"I'm came to meet you for lunch. I was in town so thought I'd stop by. It's been so long since we had a girly day!" Octavia beamed.

Clarke smiled. A real genuine smile. Despite everything that had happened, Octavia still acted as though everything was normal. Clarke couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Alright, but I promised I'd pick Roan some lunch up and drop it off on my way home." Clarke nodded.

Clarke had been working shorter shifts until she made a full recovery. Mostly her shifts were just half days now. There were also less shifts. Clarke had begged for her boss to keep her usual rota, but he had insisted that she take some time off. He knew as well as Clarke, that isolating her from the hospital completely would only make things worse.

"Alright, I guess I can grab Bellamy and Lincoln something too." Octavia shrugged.

Clarke changed out of her nurses uniform, pulling on a pair of denim shorts, a lose black vest top and shoved her feet into a pair of converse shoes. Summer was now in full swing and Clarke loved the warmer weather.

The two best friends hurried out of the hospital and into Clarke's car. Clarke pulled up outside a little sandwich shop that they had been frequent customers of for years. Once they'd ordered lunch for themselves as well as Bellamy, Roan, Lincoln and even Murphy, Clarke drove them to the garage where the men worked.

Clarke pulled up outside the garage. She grabbed the bag of sandwiches out of the back footwell behind Octavia and climbed out the car. She then realised that this would be the first time she had seen Bellamy in two weeks. Clarke had been avoiding Bellamy since their talk in the hospital. She still felt guilty and part of her was still upset with Bellamy for sleeping with Gina. She had forgiven him, but she hadn't forgotten. It could also have something to do with the fact that she was trying to hide her feelings from Bellamy. Clarke loved him, she probably always would. But she valued his friendship more, and Clarke wasn't prepared to cross that line again.

As they reached the garage, Lincoln was the one to spot them first.

"Warning! Hot women entering!" Lincoln smirked as Octavia and Clarke walked into the workshop. Technically they weren't allowed in here, especially not dressed how they were. But the boss didn't seem to be around.

"What brings you girls here?" Murphy asked.

Clarke held up the bag of sandwiches. "Food."

It was all she needed to say as Roan and Bellamy slid themselves out from under a large truck.

"I heard food!" Roan yelled.

"You asked me to bring it." Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but I only wanted one sandwich." Roan said sarcastically.

Clarke rolled her eyes again, ignoring her brothers attempt at a joke. She handed him the bag of sandwiches.

"There's one for all of you." Octavia smiled as she clung to Lincoln's arm.

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