31. Screaming On The Inside.

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Boring bit first —

But can you guys remember me announcing I had to put the story on hold to get married? Well it's been a whole year! It's my first wedding anniversary on the 18th! How quick has this year gone?! Anyway, while I have your attention I wanna say I truly am so grateful for all your comments, votes and support! I love you all! Keep em coming my cherubs! 🥰💕

Bellamy hesitated before clicking on the message. He opened it and immediately wished he hadn't. One image and a single sentence appeared on the screen. Clarke stood up quickly and left the room, causing Roan, Echo, Lincoln and Octavia to avert their attention to the pair.

"What's wrong with her?" Roan asked Bellamy.

Bellamy froze. Clarke didn't want anyone to know that she couldn't have children. Roan would want to know why the image had made Clarke react like that when she had told them she had accepted it. Bellamy let out a deep sigh and handed Roan his phone.

"Is that?" Roan asked as he looked at the picture in front of him.

"Yep. That's my kid." Bellamy sighed. The picture Roan was currently looking at, was a picture of an ultrasound. Underneath the picture were two words that made Bellamy feel queasy.

Hi Daddy.

"I thought she'd gotten over the fact Gina was pregnant?" Roan said.

"You guys are seriously more stupid than I thought." Octavia scoffed. "The love of her life got another woman pregnant. You can't just get over something like that."

"She said she had accepted it." Roan said, confused.

"Doesn't mean she's okay with it Roan. How would you feel if Echo was pregnant with another man's baby?!" Octavia argued.

"That's different." Roan protested.

"Okay, Bellamy how would you feel if it was the other way around and Clarke was pregnant with Finns baby?" Echo raised her brow.

"Alright O, I get it." Bellamy spat. "It's more complicated than that."

Bellamy knew exactly how he would feel if it was the other way around. He would feel like his own heart had been ripped out of his chest. He would feel betrayed and worthless. He would feel exactly like Clarke did.

"How?" Roan asked protectively.

"I can't say." Bellamy shook his head.

"This is stupid." Roan shook his head. He walked with determination to Clarke's bedroom.

He didn't bother knocking. He simply opened the door and walked in.

"Go away." Clarke said with her back to the door.

"What's going on Clarke? Why'd you storm out like that? It's just a picture." Roan said.

"It's not just a picture Roan!" Clarke spun around to face him. "It's Bellamy's child! It's a baby that him and Gina made together! It's something that could potentially take him away from me!"

"Bellamy wouldn't leave you Clarke." Roan said gently.

"Yes he could! He could wake up one day and realise that his child should have both its parents!" Clarke exclaimed. Tears rushed down her pale cheeks.

"Clarke. Bellamy is not going to leave you! Who knows maybe one day you two will have a kid of your own!" Roan tried to cheer Clarke up.

"No we won't." Clarke shook her head sadly.

"You don't know that. Just because he's having a kid with Gina doesn't mean he doesn't want one with you." Roan said.

"He does. But we won't be having any." Clarke replied.

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